Message; 100

236 17 9

'When I say goodbye...that will be it-

"No....please god no!" I say standing up, pulling the door open passed the nurses.

"Sir you can't yet!" A nurse calls out to me. "You need to pay down!"

"No! I need him! He needs me!" I say pushing her aside. Trying to run, but failing at my own strength.

"Sir he saw you hours ago! He left!"  I pause at that. Praticly falling down gribbing the phone in my hands. My knuckles turning white.

"Mrs! There is someone on the roof!" a kid shouts out at the tv screen. Her face turns white at the sight of it. I look up...seeing him.

'I have been here for hours. I just can't get myself to do it. To just let go...'

101 Messages from you -Tythan- *UNEDITED VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now