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*time skip*
Tyler's POV;

I hold him close to me on the couch. Seeing him happily watching tv. After cleaning up slowly over time.

Throwing away the blood stained razors. Cleaning ourselfs up. Taking a heavy shower. Me and him taking turns feeding each other. I'm slowly getting my strength back. I meet Mark. Although they say we have known eachther for years. Meet some girls name Amy and Kat. They seem nice. Ethan is helping me get back to reality.

Or I thought...

"Mr.Scheid?" I look up at the man. "Mr.Scheid...he is gone you know?"I grib my pants at the thought.

"Yes...but it feels like he is here with me"

"I is a side affect." He says looking down at his clipboard. Beginning to write down notes. Is the medicine you are taking helping?"



"How come"

"Because this isn't real"

"What do you mean"

"This is a nightmare again"

"Sir. You come in once a week to talk to me. This isn't a nightmare."

"Yes it is...Ethan...isn't dead"

"Yes he is Tyler. Your brain geels guilty for what you switched the story. I guess...we will have to change the medicine again. You blame yourself for him jumping."

"No...I wasn't the one who caused the car crash... I didn't leave text messages for him...he wasn't the one in the hospital!" I say shouting. Two men walk in pinning me down in my chair. I fight against them.

"He is alive! He is! He loves me! I Iove him-" I scream out. But my screams die off as one of the men closes my mouth with a rag. The doctor walks over to me.


I squirm away form them. No luck.


I scream mumbles agaisnt the rag. Trying to set myself free.


"Ahhh!" I scream sitting up. Sweat rolling down my face. Looking around me. Looking for him.

"Ethan!" I scream out. I begin to cry. "Ethan are you alive!" i feel a suffle next to me and seeing him wake up.

"Tyler?" He says droppily. "Tyler! Oh no!" He says instantly sitting up.

"You know Im real!" He says dead into my eyes. Cupping my cheecks. "Im here Tyler! I'm here!" He wipes at my tears. Softly humming to me. "It was just a nightmare. I love you Tyler. I will always love you" He says laying down. I lay back down, holding his hand. Tears stained my eyes but I give him shy smile.

"It may take awhile huh?" I ask him quietly.

" will for the both of us." he says closing his eyes. "But yoy will get better. I will get better. And we...we will live each other."

"I love you"

"I love you too. I always will." I say kissing him softly on the forehead. Falling alseep with him in my arms.

101 Messages from you -Tythan- *UNEDITED VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now