Message; 98

216 16 0

I have to get up now! I look down at my arm and wince at the pain of pulling out the neddles and cords. God...I guess I am a weak person. I can barely do it. But I need to. For him.

I slowly sit up, puttibg my legs over the bed, and trying to stand up. Practically falling to the floor with my weight and the pain in my legs.

"Shit!" I say dropping the phone. I grab for it and see its percentage. 27%. I need to hurry and find him. I crawl for it and sit up again, pulling myaelf up with the bed. Almost falling over again. But I look at the messages again getting up.

'Its just...the doctors are thinking they will have to unplug you tomorrow. Make room for others coming in...I can't...I need you with me'

"I'm coming for you Ethan. Hold on...please...hold on"

101 Messages from you -Tythan- *UNEDITED VERSION*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang