Chapter 24: Aquarium Visit

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(Kazuto's POV)

Besides my roommate, I could honestly say that I was enjoying college. There is so much more that I can do now, even though I get piles of homework every week. I still miss my friends and Asuna, but what can I do?

After my tech class, I decided that instead of going back to my room, I would walk around a bit and relax. I didn't have many friends here, so I wandered around alone. This reminded me of when I was a solo player in Sword Art Online. As I walked I noticed groups of students studying or hanging out, laughing and enjoying each other's company. I even saw a few couples together, which made me a tinge jealous.

After a little lost-in-thought wandering, I found myself near the library and was about to enter it. I questioned why I was here, but before I could go anywhere else someone called my name.

"Kazuto-san!" a feminine voice from behind me called. I turned around to see Asada. She was holding a stack of books and some papers. I offered to carry them, but she shook her head.

"I'm fine, I just need to return these to the library," she assured me, smiling. I stepped aside so that she could go in, but she stopped me.

"Actually, I need your help on something, If you have time that is," Asada gripped the books tighter.

"Sure. What do you need?" I asked, smiling. I had nothing better to do anyways. 

She looked away nervously and then at me, adjusting her glasses, "Well, I need to do something. I need you to follow me, though."

I nodded, "Okay. What do you need my help for?"

"Just follow me. It's kind of hard to explain..." she smiled, accompanied with a nervous glance.

"I see. Lead the way, then," I smiled. I wonder what this girl could be up to?

Asada led us into the library to drop off her books. The library was a big room with walls full of books that were written on various topics. Most of them were for studying, but there were also many that were novels and were for entertainment. The librarian was a short lady in her mid 60's, but she was very sweet and helpful. I had honestly never been in the library until now, but it was a relaxing place. Sofas and chairs were everywhere, with many tables to accompany them. I would definitely be coming back here again.

We walked over to a rack where books that you were returning were placed. Asada moved all of her books to the rack, but one of them slipped out of her stack as she reached up. I caught it fortunately before it hit the floor. The book was a hardcover, and the title read, The Study and Usage of Guns.

"You're into guns? I mean I know you played GGO and everything but--" the book was yanked out of my hands before I could finish my sentence. Asada had it tucked away in her arms so quickly that I had hardly realized that it was gone.

"It's none of your business," she mumbled, placing it onto the rack. She had a sensitive yet angry look on her face, like I had offended her. I held up my hands and took a step back.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to be nosy or anything," I apologized. I took a mental note that that was a sensitive issue.

She looked away for a moment, then took a deep breath and said, "Alright. Let's go."

As we walked to wherever we were going, it was silent. Neither of us said a thing. Asada occasionally glanced over at me, and at times I would glance over too. Each time she would get all flustered and start to walk faster. I didn't think much of this, but I needed to break the silence somehow.

"'s college going for you?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"It's fine," she simply replied, not putting on much emotion. I realized she was not the social type, and keeping up the conversation would be tough.

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