Chapter 2: A Heart Beat

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I dressed festively.
The sweater was so colorful it made me look like a gay pride flag.
But what's wrong with that?
I smirked to myself as I flashed myself with my skirt a few times in the mirror before going to the bathroom. The blank white walls allowed me to stand out from the boring atmosphere. As I stared at myself in the mirror I still wasn't used to my reflection. This new face and body I would be calling home for whoever knows how long.
Brushing my teeth, ruffling my hair with the brush, I nodded in approval at my appearance.
"Now, Kuki is it...? What  life awaits me outside this door?" I pondered in my head.
Her parents were nowhere to be seen downstairs when I snuck out with her school bag. The walk was long and boring but it was so worth it when I arrived at the front gates of my new school.
Crowds of people bunched together in groups. Such wide variety from the preppy, to the ones that are just trying to find a place to hang a noose. I saw women with everything hanging out for everyone to see with guy's hands firmly placed on them.
It was enough to even make me blush.
Sike! Never!
I strode past the stereotypical nonsense and inside the building. The school itself overall looked like it had been trashed. Food wrappers and papers thrown across the floors. Not to mention the smell of weed mixed with teen sweat.
"I'm home." I beamed.
I pulled out a slip of paper from my pocket, the room numbers for my classes scribbled down on it. I led myself down to where my first class was and made myself comfortable in a seat in the back.
Students began to fill the room as I glanced at my surroundings. The teacher at the head of the room looked tired and basically not wanting to give a f-
"Now class, today we- Hey settle down please!" The teacher ordered.
I smirked at her failed attempts, watching in amusement at the sight before me. Adolescents talking, bickering, and ignoring her like it was routine.
It was quite the show. If only I had popcorn.
However, a loud bang made the noise come to a stop. My ears rang a bit as the teacher suddenly had a grim look on her face. The room was dead silent. You could almost hear a needle hit the floor. I was struck with confusion. But the noise I knew all too well.
"Students...into your positions quickly!" She whispered.
Everyone around me suddenly rose from their desks and huddled up in the back of the room. Bodies clustered in giant piles. The teacher locked the door and joined the bundle. She was kneeling in front of all of her students in a protective nature. She looked ready, however as if she was about to run.
It was silent. Dead quiet except for the sound of heavy, shaky breathing.
Then as quickly as the silence began it ended with the sound of someone breaking off the door handle.
Soft gasps were heard at the noise and all I can think of...
Was how stupid this was.
The door swung open and two men entered. They each were young, probably junior year, holding rifles in their hand.
"Line up! On your knees!" One shouted.
"I wasn't your mother last night!"
There was an awkward pause as terrified students turned to me. I was now standing in front of them from my seat, facing the shooters head on.
"E-Excuse me?" The second stuttered.
"I. Wasn't. Your. Mother. Last. Night." I chuckled.
They took major offense to that. And shot me.
But you all should know how that song and dance goes. I rise back, still alive, looking bad ass, and then proceed to kill everyone in the room.


How much do these mortals eat?!" I huffed.
After dragging the last body out of the room and putting it into the pile with the others, I sat on top of the bodies. Waiting patiently for what was to happen next like a king on his throne.
But then I got bored and decided to have a snack.
I opened my bag and started eating pocky, occasionally dipping it into the pools of blood at my feet.
The taste wasn't too bad. Don't judge me!
Anyway, as I relaxed and waited something peculiar caught my attention.
Down the hall from where I sat, a small class began to escape. It was fun to watch, to say the least. With young adults tripping over themselves and how loud they were.
However, I took care of the problem so what was the issue?
I shrugged it off and continued watching.
But that's when...I saw him.
He had flawless dark skin. Black hair braided and pulled back in a ponytail. A white hoodie and torn jeans clothed his slim body.  He stayed back from the others and looked rather distant and like he didn't care.
Overall...he the humans say rather attractive.
There was a bump in my chest. Then another, and another...
What was this?
As I stared his gaze suddenly locked on mine. His eyes widened and then...
He threw up on the floor.
I chuckled to myself and stood. Making my way over, I was still eating the pocky with my eyes glued to his shaky figure.
"Hello, there troubled mortal." I smirked.
"E-Excuse me?" He wheezed.
"Oh nothing, just introducing myself." I laughed.
I circled him, examining him fully. Every inch of him, including the scent he left my senses with matched his perfection in my eyes.
He smelled like freshly baked cookies and weed.
"My name is Luci and I am the-"
"The Devil right?" He chuckled.
"Why yes actually, I am in fact." I answered.
"Ludicrous." He laughed.
My eyes glared at him. He was laughing at my title and doubting my power right to my face. If he had truly known who I was I bet he would be on his knees begging for mercy.
Which...didn't sound like a bad idea?
"All that crap about the Devil and God? It's ludicrous." He stated.
"I wish half of that was true..." I mumbled.
"Well since you don't wish to tell me your name I won't tell you mine." He replied.
That's where he had me beat. I had to know the name of the man who made my chest thump.
"Given the circumstances...I'm Kuki." I shrugged.
He smirked at me and crossed his arms.
"I'm Ichigo." He chuckled.
And ever since that moment...that name forever echoed in my head.
We talked for a while. We shared a dark sense of humor, a similar look upon the world that it was going under.
However, he seemed he would rather leave it behind. Something about him just screamed injured soul.
I found out he enjoyed anime and video games. Similar to I, saw gaming as more of a pass time.
The Devil can't play some Skyrim or GTA?
However...his smile and laugh were etched into my mind. His voice was now all I could hear. And the more I thought the more I felt myself grow warm in the face and my chest to thump more.
What the hell?!
"Andeddo!!!" I called.
I sat up on my bed as a portal appeared below me. A small undead dragon flying out from it and landing beside me. His exposed skull with glowing, empty sockets stared at me from where his eyes were. His rotting green flesh and bone didn't bother me in the slightest. Andeddo was my favorite and only servant. He was stubborn most of the time but wise all the same when need be.
He knew more than I actually.
"What is it, mistress?" He asked.
"There's this...thing in my chest," I explained. "It's like a dying bird moving inside of me periodically."
"You mean your heartbeat?" He questioned.
"My what?"
His tiny paw went over his face and he let out an annoyed growl.
"Your heart mistress. Everyone has one even I." He answered.
"But mine has never worked before! And here it is moving! It's disgusting!" I shouted.
"Well, what have you been doing?" He asked.
"Your mom..." I muttered.
"Mistress please be serious."
I wasn't actually joking...I'm kidding! Geez! Relax reader don't get your panties in a twist.
"Alright, alright...I killed some folks, had a snack, ran from the police and...I met someone named Ichigo."
"You met someone?"
I nodded and crossed my arms.
"Does your heart beat whenever you're near them or think about them?" He continued.
"Quite a bit yes." I answered.
"Mistress...I believe you have a crush." He stated.
I went quiet. Then I looked at him in confusion.
"But I didn't crush anything weren't you listening? Maybe a bone or two but-"
"No! It's human slang!" He shouted. "It means you like someone!"
" someone? But I don't like anyone! Not even you or wait I adore myself." I laughed.
Andeddo sighed and he looked at me again.
"Well, seems you've taken a liking to this young man."
My laughing paused and I rubbed my chin in thought. This man made someone. And then he gave me a heartbeat.

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