Chapter 5: The Good, the Bad and Her

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Amber was the exact opposite of myself. A sweet, kind girl with a heart of gold. However, I soon discovered we had a common interest aside from Ichigo.
Horror movies.
She lived and breathed them like weed, similar to myself.
We would talk for hours about it. Texting or just chatting like...normal mortals.
It was strange. To be apart of something like that and to actually be wanted.
The feeling was almost as good as being around Ichigo.
I was sketching in class with him.
He was quiet today. It was becoming a pattern for him. After numerous attempts at tugging at his sleeve or striking up a decent conversation, I left him be and let my thoughts run wild on paper.
My hand guided the pencil to form my creation. Outlining the curves of a human figure.
Who, I didn't know, I just...kept drawing.
"What are you working on?"
I peeked up and saw Aki glancing at me from behind.
"Just this chick." I answered.
"Really? Let me see."
Aki rolled over in his office chair and took my sketchbook from me. He stared at it and nodded in approval.
"I didn't know you drew anime." He stated. "It's really good."
I shrugged and took my sketchbook back.
"It's a past time. I've been thinking about doing requests for money or something." I chuckled.
"You should. People would buy it." Ichigo said.
I looked at him. He was staring down at his phone seeming to be disinterested but I knew better.
"I might...think I'll make the first one free to hook them in." I laughed. "You wanna be my first customer Ichigo?"
He glanced at me and shrugged.
"Sure. What can you do?" He asked.
"Well uh...basically anything. I could draw you your dream girl." I smirked.
I taunted him. I wanted to. It was one of the best ways I knew to find out information.
"I guess." He answered.
"Alright then." I began. "This would be the perfect opportunity for me to get your number then."
He sighed and held out his phone to me. I eagerly took it and typed in my number along with "Sexy Devilish Kuki" as my contact name. He took his phone back and then glared at me.
"What? It's true." I laughed.
A small smirk formed on his face and he let out a soft chuckle.
"Now down to business," I smirked, flipping to a new page. "What would you like?"
Ichigo turned to me and shrugged.
"Not sure. Maybe name some specifics?"
"Well...I'll have a pose picked out later that you can look at but for now I need appearance." I said. " Hair color, eye color, skin color, all the colors!"
"How about...a redhead."
"Ok." I noted it.
"With black highlights."
"And emerald green eyes."
My face was heating up. I didn't dare look at him as I thought to myself that maybe this...this was-
"And have her in boy shorts." He finished, facing his desk again, his eyes glued to his phone. "Please..."
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aki. He had the biggest smirk on his face as he glanced from me to Ichigo and back.
"Uh ok and uh..." I trampled over my words. "Anything else?"
He was quiet for a minute before speaking again.
"Freckles...but I'll text you for anything else."
I couldn't speak. I only nodded as I felt my body grow weak and it boil in red heat.
I swear he was the only one who could do this to me. Make me feel the way I do. With wobbly legs and a tied tongue.
Damn, I wanted this boy.
I sat with Amber at lunch. Our discussion started with the movie "It" and then to prom.
"So have you started looking at dresses?" She asked.
"Not yet." I answered.
I nommed on my chicken tenders as she continued to speak.
"Well, you need to. If you want to win over my brother. You need to look good." She suddenly smirked. "Devilishly delicious even."
I burst out laughing.
"If I'm gonna be that good looking then I don't know what he'll do."
Blush found it's way on my face and my thoughts drifted to darker things.
"That's not my business to know." She snickered. "Not that I want to."
"I hope that's the case. I don't do threesomes." I joked.
"That's gross Kuki!"
We both laughed together. My fits of humor were halted however when Amber suddenly stopped prior.
"Something wrong?" I asked.
"Actually yes..." Amber began. "Your competition has arrived."
I narrowed my eyes in confusion and turned to where Amber was staring off to.
I almost choked on my chicken.
Before me was a girl. Thin, tall and with short blonde hair. Her golden strands curled over her pale face as she walked towards us.
She was pretty cute I had to admit.
But what had me so starstruck, so confused, so...confuzzled, was the person walking beside her.
Talking with her, and laughing with her, as if it was all natural.
He was smiling at her and showing his emotions with her. His phone was tucked away in his pocket and he never once even glanced at it.
Just seeing such a simple sight made my chest ache. This feeling wasn't foreign to me, not one bit.
That bad feeling of longing. A pinch of neglect even rolled over my being instantly.
"That's Meinu..." Amber sighed. "Ichigo's 'best friend'."
"You said that weird." I stated.
She looked over at me with a pained look on her face. She was acting strangely. Not like her usual bubbly self.
"She keeps everyone away from him...drives them away because she's his only best friend and..."
"And?" I questioned.
"He's in love with her." She admitted.

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