Chapter 10: A Visitor and an Opportunity

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Sleep evaded me that night.
War raged on inside my head as I tossed and turned in the sheets. They coiled around my body in a tight cocoon before​ I finally freed myself. My feet strode across the cold floor before I made it to the bathroom.
I stared at myself. Glaring at the bags under my eyes and at my overall restless appearance.
I ran my hand through my mangled hair and let out a deep sigh.
All these thoughts were keeping me awake. Buzzing around in my mind whispering "what ifs" and "maybes" like worried bees in a hive.
"Damn it all." I whispered.
After getting a drink of water I went back to my room and laid back down. The darkness of the room gave me comfort and eased my overactive mind.
Now if only I could sleep.
Well that was easy.
I strode the hallway with a smirk on my face. Music played in my ears causing my strut to become more bold. Students and teachers either stared in awe or fear. With the slightest effort or even a glance it was enough to cause a reaction.
Entertaining to say the least.
I flashed my canines at a group of girls in a flirty fashion and they let out squeals.
I winked at some jocks and sent some highfives their way and they had the same reaction.
I passed a few other groups who instead cowered into corners and avoided my gaze.
All I did was let out a laugh and continue on to class.
"Good morning Kuki!" Amber called.
I looked over and smiled.
"To you as well." I replied.
Amber caught up with me and began to walk at my side.
"You're becoming quite the topic around here. With that fight and everything." She stated.
"I know...not sure how to handle it." I chuckled.
"I still can't believe you didn't get in trouble!" She exclaimed. "How is that even possible?"
I'm the devil and I can do as I please without consequence.
I shrugged with a smirk.
"Guess I'm lucky."
Suddenly the atmosphere changed. The air was less thick, it was softer. There was a sweet smell in the air. Almost like the smell of a freshly baked cake.
Loved cake but this was almost sickeningly sweet.
I turned around and I felt my face go pale.
Before me was a woman with long pink hair and sun glowed skin. Her eyes were the color of the sky. She wore a white dress that was covered by a lacy shaw. There was a golden pin on the shaw, itself shaped like a pair of wings.
"Oh shit..." I whispered.
She smirked at me and I felt my blood go cold.
"Do you know her Kuki?" Amber asked.
My stomach dropped and I felt like it was being eaten away by maggots. My chest thumped loudly against my ribs as I began to sweat.
Little miss perfection was here.
"Actually yes she does." The woman giggled.
"How's that?" Amber questioned.
"I'm her sister." The woman smiled.! No! No! With her here I can't make Ichigo fall in love with me!
I growled under my breath and clenched my fists.
"You have a sister?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Amber shouted.
My left eye twitched slightly.
"She's been out of town up until now..." I lied. "Didn't think I would have to explain at all."
I glared at the woman, her sickeningly sweet smile making me want to vomit.
"Well I'll let guys catch up. See you later!" Amber smiled.
"Wait Amber!"
She was already gone.
I sighed and turned to God. She was giggling softly at me.
"Why the hell are you here?" I spat.
"After our last discussion," She began. "I thought I would give you a visit and deliver a message."
I groaned in annoyance and crossed my arms.
"Fine...I'm listening." I sighed.
"A baby with a bow told me to tell you that you're about to get shot." She said.
"A baby is about to wha...?"
I suddenly jumped when I felt a pinch on my ass, letting out a shriek of surprise.
"Cupid you little bitch!" I shouted.
I rubbed my injured cheek and turned my harsh gaze back to God.
"Is that all?" I huffed.
"You're not getting off that easy, no." She replied.
I rubbed the bridge of my nose under my glasses and exhaled.
"Listen...I know what you're trying to do and I'm asking you to butt out."
God's expression changed. She stared at me shocked and confused. Almost like a deer in the headlights of a car. Frozen in fear at what is about to happen.
"I already knew I was in love." I sighed. "This mortal is making me feel happiness that I haven't had in a long time."
She was silent.
"Ichigo is not what I ever asked for or thought I ever wanted. He's different like me...he's intelligent, funny, sweet, handsome and so much more. I want him to be mine. Mine alone for all eternity and I want to be his."
God's gaze softened on me and she rested her hand on my head.
"Luci...What will happen when he finds out who you really are?" She asked. "You can't stay inside this body forever."
"I know...but I'll do anything and everything I can just to be beside him. I will swear myself to him. What is left of my soul and heart now have his name etched on them. My hands will protect and comfort him. My voice will only call his name in the dark of night...I..."
I stopped, hot drops of water fell from my eyes and down my flushed face.
"You got it bad." She chuckled.
I nodded slowly as I wiped my eyes.
"I will let you continue this pursuit of love but I offer a word of warning." She whispered.
My eyes averted up to her face, awaiting her answer.
"He's different yes...but like you he is hurt, stubborn, and wants to turn his back on the world."
I nodded.
"If you want him as much as you of you has to give up something to make it eternal." She declared.
Her hand left my hair and she walked away. Light glowed from her silhouette as she turned to me. She waved with her signature smile before disappearing into a white mist.
"Goodbye..." I whispered.
He's been hurt before?
I clenched my chest over where my heart was.
He really is like me?
My foot took a shakey step forward.
Then...I'll heal him. I'll mend his heart with my own. I'll be there for him always and show him how much I care. He...He needs to know how much I care. I can't hold it back any longer.
"Attention class! Attention!" The teacher called.
It took a few minutes but the class did eventually come to a silence. The teacher breathed in a soft of relief before he continued to speak.
"Our arts program is going to be having a talent show and is welcoming anyone to try and audition." He explained.
I peeked up from drawing on my desk. My attention had been grasped and an idea popped into my head.
"The auditions will be held in the auditorium and if you get in you will perform for the whole school." He continued.
This...this was perfect!
I have to tell Amber!

((Art above is not mine. Hope you all liked the story! Don't forget to vote and comment! Peace mortals!))

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