Chapter 7: Tying Up Loose Ends

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Shouts were heard. The pleas of mercy fell on my ears. My body had begun to shake as my chuckles grew louder. A boy, not even a true man was on his knees before me. Tears of fear in his eyes that made me grin. His trembling figure only made my finger twitch around the trigger.
I was ready to blow. Ready to fire.
I needed this bloodshed so bad.
This was hours later. Don't worry pitiful mortals I shall explain myself in due time. Geez...
My patience had begun to thin. My mind was constantly at work with wavering thoughts that would make my emotions blow out of proportion. I needed an outlet. Something to take out this rage and frustration on.
What could I do?
How about what I was called here to do in the first place? Confront those bullies was it?
Oddly I had not even come across them.
That was because...if I remember correctly from my first day in the mortal world I did kill all those students in that classroom.
Hm...well that was that!
Probably killed them and didn't even realize it! Hehe!~
The class was a bore. The knowledge I had already grasped centuries ago was being instructed as I drew in my sketchbook. Endless silence with the occasional whisper was the only thing you heard aside from the teacher's ramblings.
Ever since I had arrived here things were boring.
Hardly any fights took place, not a speck of weed (despite the smell) was found, it was ridiculous!
Things were actually...normal.
And by normal I mean the cancer that is 2017, with fidget spinner and dabbing.
God's amazing creation my ass.
I sighed. I shouldn't worry so much about that now. I had my request to do and I had to take it seriously.
Whether it was a drawing of me or's for him.
My Ichigo...
I sighed as a smile grew on my face. The outline of a female figure began to appear out of the strokes of my pencil. The curves were always my favorite part to draw.
Each woman was different. Special. But according to Ichigo, he liked his girls thick.
I smirked to myself. I'm thick.
Thick with two C's boi.
"Thick thighs save lives people!"
"Quote by Luci. Patent pending." I thought to myself with a soft chuckle.
I continued to draw until the rough sketch was complete. I would add color later when no one was around.
It was a bit...explicit.
The character before me had a lustful look in her eyes as she stood on the paper. She was clothed by red and black underwear that was half off.
Technically not nudity but enough to give a person ideas.
I smiled to myself and tucked the book away. As I did a paper ball flew in my direction. My hand was faster than it, catching the ball and looking in front of me.
It had seemed that my previous prediction was incorrect.
Kuki's "bullies" as she labeled them were quite typical. One was clearly a brute, the leader and the one who threw the paper. The other was a girl, long braids in her hair and she seemed to have this problem with her neck because she kept tilting her head and rolling it.
An odd gesture but at the same time I couldn't help but feel slightly offended.
I decided to be the creepy weirdo I was and do a similar gesture.
My head slowly tilted to the right, a grin slowly spreading across my face.
"Play with me~" I laughed.
The girl's eyes widened slightly. However, the brute looked unimpressed.
The idea of showing my fangs or making my head do a 360 popped into my head. However...showing my powers now could cause some trouble.
As the devil I actually have limits...sometimes... Oh, screw it! Let's have fun anyway!
Sparks of red shined within my emerald eyes. The paper suddenly flew out of my hand, rising in the air quietly.
And as the two watched in horror, it flew past them.
"Ha, you missed emo!"
I grinned sadistically as gasps of horror caused them to turn and look at the front of the room. Written in a messy blood red on the board were the words, "You want your body in paper or plastic?".
A red marker dropped from the board suddenly as I chuckled. The duo turned to me with angry and confused expressions.
"I think you prefer paper...right?" I stated.
And that's how I ended up here. Outside the school surrounded by shouting students as well as Batman and Robin.
More like kids in the 70's trying to look cool with candy cigarettes.
I sighed quietly. Awaiting their first move while silently contemplating what I should have for dinner later.
"Hey, you crazy bitch!" The brute called.
"Yeah what's up?" I replied.
He seemed fazed for a moment but then he shook it away, a glare replacing his confusion.
"Square up you slut! You're about to get roasted! The girl shouted.
"Roasted? I thought this was a fight?" I questioned.
As those words left my lips a student came forward with a portable speaker. He plugged it into his phone and a very basic beat started to play.
This looks and sounds so stupid.
The brute started to rap. Or attempt to.
It was "cringy" and nearly made me want to vomit.
"I'm gonna stop you right there Kronk and Yzma." I interrupted.
"Excuse me bitch?!" The girl shouted. "It's our turn first."
"I don't!" I laughed, mocking her.
"Why you little-"
She was stopped by the swift movement of my hand colliding with her mouth. A solid backhand that sent her to the ground.
It felt so good to inflict pain onto others again.
To watch them shake. To watch them cower in fear.
I needed more.
Gasps were heard as the brute pulled a handgun from his pocket. It was an H&K USP Full Size Tactical 9mm with a Suppressor...
I think I came a bit.
"You stole daddy's gun from the safe?" I smirked. "Tsk, tsk...he's gonna be very angry."
"Shut your mouth before I blow it off!" He shouted.
I laughed under my breath.
"You're funny when you're angry..." I stated. "Do you have something to prove through all this?"
I saw a twinkle of fear in his eyes. The gun in his hands began to shake.
"People to like you? To accept you?"
I stepped closer.
"You're no better than I...lower even. A maggot withering in its own filth."
He shook more.
"Shut up!" He shouted.
"Mommy and daddy won't accept a stupid fat ass like wonder you bully me." I laughed.
"S-Shut up they love me!" He exclaimed.
"You're in denial." I sang.
Tears threatened to fall down his face, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead as he began to sweat.
This was too good!
I snatched the gun from the front and pushed him on the ground with no effort.
I sadistic grin grew on my face, my low chuckles beginning to turn to insane laughter.
"Pathetic maggot!" I laughed. "Still think you're better than me?!"
He was shaking while I held the gun to his shaking figure.
"N-No Kuki I-"
And that's how I ended up finger twitching for release while I had a soul to take.
"I'm not Kuki...I'm the Devil..." I stated. "Now repent motherfucker."
I shot him right in the kneecap. He would never be able to walk right again now.
I took out the mag from the gun, dropping the empty weapon on the ground with a loud crack.
Taking one of the bullets into my hand and I made my sharp canines appear. With a swift bite, the bullet dented and became misshapened. I spat it out at the girl, herself jumping away in fear.
Problem solved.
I walked away. My hand running through my hair as I made my silent journey back home.
I heard sirens in the distance. As well as the bird's sing. The wind blew on my face and through my scarlet hair. The cool afternoon atmosphere was comforting.
I sighed.
"Why...?" I said quietly.
Everything I had said before, was more directed towards me and not that boy. I was the one who couldn't be accepted. I was the one who was the maggot.
Then again...maybe it was meant to be that way.
I thought of Amber at that well as Aki and Ichigo.
I've never been accepted before. Never been wanted before.
Never had a friend in the world.
And now I did. More than one. That moment a twinge of hope ignited in my heart for the first time in centuries.
And maybe even...someone to love.

When the Devil Fell in LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin