Chapter 9: Confessions and Accusations

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It hurt.
My body ached, especially my heart. I was beginning to regret going in this deep.
I forgot how much of a pain in the ass it was to be human.
I ran out the door. People and blank walls flying past me before I was greeted by the cold embrace of the rain. Cars were driving in and driving off as they picked up students to be taken home.
I didn't have this luxury.
I continued to walk quietly, my body shaking with both rage and sorrow. It didn't take long before my clothes became drenched in the rain.
"Fan-fucking-tastic." I growled. "Andeddo!!!"
As I stopped on the sidewalk behind a wall of trees the ground shook. The grass broke open and my half dead companion flew to my shoulder.
"Are you alright mistress?"
My eyes were lowered in a glare as I felt my hair stick to my face.
"I'm wet and not in a good way." I huffed.
"Why don't you just teleport home?" Andeddo asked.
"I don't have enough energy...I used most of it in that fight the other day." I answered.
"Right...Surprised you weren't caught for that." He chuckled.
"Now isn't the time to discuss this...can you take me home please?" I asked.
His boney jaw lifted into what looked like a smile. He got on all fours on the wet pavement and began to change. His size grew and his wings spread to the size of full grown trees.
"Hop on mistress." He huffed.
I chuckled and climbed on his back, making myself comfortable on the back of his neck. He glanced over at me with his empty black sockets before looking ahead and taking off in the sky. The cover of the tress cloaking Andeddo's flying figure until we were above the rain in open sky.
The wind in my face dried my tears as I flew through my hair. I laughed as I clung to Andeddo's scales. He seemed to be enjoying it as well. His throat would vibrate with a loud pure at times as we flew.
It has truly been a long time since we rode the sky together.
"I missed this." I sighed with a smile.
"I did as well mistress." He agreed.
I continued to smile as I reached down and scratched the bottom of his chin.
He purred like a newborn kitten.
I chuckled quietly until we reached the woods behind Kuki's home. Andeddo landed gracefully and as I hopped back off he turned back into his normal size.
"You are in a very good mood." He stated.
"Actually...I'm kinda meh." I replied.
"Andeddo...I'm going to take a bath and go to bed..." I sighed.
He was silent as I walked to the house before I glanced at him.
"Actually no...make me some bacon pancakes." I ordered.
"As you wish mistress." He agreed.
"....please." I whispered.
Andeddo was stunned. I didn't dare look at him as I entered my home.
"He did what?!" Amber shouted.
"Lent her his jacket and held her..." I replied sadly.
"That's awful! Disgusting! Just plain....ewww!!!! Not canon!" She exclaimed.
"I don't ship it." Aki agreed. "She's the first place winner for basic bitch."
"Aki you sly dog." I smirked.
We exchanged fist bumps and highfives with a soft fit of laughter. Amber even joined in on our little joke fest.
"Hi!" A voice called.
I turned to the source of the voice and I swear I felt my heart in my throat. My stomach dropped like a girl's ass at the club.
"Oh shit..." I whispered.
It was her. Meinu. My rival. The very thing keeping me apart from Ichigo.
He was standing next to her with a soft smile on his face. They both carried trays and just seemed...happy.
However me and my "bros" as they called it, were not so pleased.
"Hey can she sit with us?" Ichigo asked. "Her friends are off somewhere."
"No." We all huffed.
Meinu had this look on her face. Like I had just told her that she was adopted and her hair looked like a pile of straw.
Scarecrow lookin ass can't find her brain or her boobs.
Ichigo on the other hand just looked annoyed. His eyes twitched and he made a little grunt noise.
"Why not?" Ichigo asked.
We all looked at eachother until Aki nudged me forward.
"Look Ichigo...uh..."I began.
Crap. Crap. Crap! I forgot how hard it was to look him in the eye and talk!
"We just...don't know her all that well." I stated. "We have going on here you know?"
He narrowed his eyes at me making my heart sink back into my chest with a heavy feeling.
"Well then get to know her." Ichigo said.
And like that there she was, sitting across the way from me. She whispered and giggled in his ear. He clung to his arm Like it was her life.
I. Felt. Sick.
I wasn't the only one. Oh no, Amber looked like she was gonna snap and Aki seemed rather irritated.
"Hey Ichigo? Could you go dump my tray for me?" Meinu pleaded.
"Of course." He smiled. "I'll be right back."
He left no time later. As he did Meinu's cold eyes fell on me and a twisted grin cut into her skin.
"You're Kuki right?" She asked.
I felt my blood boil and my teeth clench just by having her speak to me.
She must have a lot of balls.
"More or less..." I mumbled.
"Good." She chuckled. "Cause I need to lay down some ground rules for you if you're gonna be around Ichigo."
I snickered under my breath and leaned forward.
"I don't follow rules hun." I smirked. "I either make or break them."
"Cute. But don't worry I just have one." She giggled, holding up a single finger and wagging it in my face. "You stay the hell out of my way ok?"
I stared at her.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm sorry I said "No". Meaning I won't do as you say and I also don't care." I shrugged.
She glared at me and let out a loud huff before forcing a smile back on her face.
"I don't think you understand what I'm saying." She spat.
"Oh I do. But like I previously said...I don't care." I repeated.
"Listen bitch. Ichigo only has one best friend and that's me! Understand?!" She shouted.
I snickered.
Not really I full out laughed my ass off.
"Bitch you can have best friend. I want-"
I stopped myself, my face going aflame.
She knew. Barbie knew.
"Here's the deal sweety..." She cooed. "You agree to my terms and step off...or I tell Ichigo your secret. Deal?"
Wait a damn minute....
I looked around finding Amber and Aki stunned as well as Ichigo off talking to other people.
I glared at my Senpai and made every quiet attempt I could to get his attention.
He didn't notice me.
In times like these you expect something good to happen. A friend to lend you a a hand! Or even another shooting, something!
The bitch got the drop on us... My back is up against the wall! This is not a test. This is the real deal!
"Well?" Meinu called.
I growled.
"Fine...but if you hurt him I will tear you apart." I threatened.
"Glad we understand eachother." She smirked.
She left after that. I balled up my fists as rage poured over my heart and soul.
"Kuki...are you ok?" Amber called.
"No! I'm not ok!" I shouted. "That little maggot is about to get crushed!"
"I can't believe you had the balls to even speak to her like that." Aki commented.
"I didn't have enough to fully face her though...she knows about my feelings for Ichigo now."
I ran my hands through my hair out of frustration as Amber patted my shoulder.
"It'll be ok...We're here for you Kuki." Amber smiled.
I couldn't help but return her smile.
"Thank you...but...that wasn't a test!"
"Huh?" They both questioned.
"That bitch got the drop on me! My back was up against the wall! That was not a test. That was the real deal!" I shouted.
"Who are you Kevin Ha-" Aki began.
"Nope just the Devil." I shrugged.
They both laughed like I was kidding.
((Hai! Author-chan here! Hope you liked this chapter and the references. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!))

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