Chapter 2

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"Who's there? Is that you shrek!?" Cosmo called out, seeing nothing but black. His heart was racing with the thought that his lover had come to him. Finally they would be together.

"Hello my darling. I have been hearing your whispers all throughout the nights. You sounded upset. I came here to LOVE you."

"Oh gee Shrek. I love you too!" He said, moaning out to shrek. Cosmo reached out and felt something amazing. He a carpet of crusty hairs on his probably green chest. His skin was thick and seemed as if it had layers.

"Ogres are like onions. We have layers." Shrek huskily moaned back. Cosmo was turned on by Shrek's deep moaning voice.

"Let me take you to me swamp, my Princess!" Shrek screamed out, sweeping Cosmo up into his flabby beefy arms.

"Oh geee Shrek." He moaned once more. Cosmo tried to look into shrek's probably poo brown eyes but he couldn't. He had forgotten that he was blind. They walk outside and Cosmo heard something that looked like a Donkey. It was Donkey! He was coming to take them back to the moldy swamp. The feeling inside him could only be described as pure bliss, like that one time he killed his child that he had birthed. 

Cosmo and Shrek ride off into the distance, though Cosmo didn't know what the hell was going on because he's blind. What no one noticed was a horrified Timmy turner staring out of the bedroom window as his fairy god parent rode away with his true love.

It's Not Easy Being Green • Shrek and CosmoWhere stories live. Discover now