Chapter 6

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"Hello." Cosmo and Cosmo said at the same time. "This might be a paradox but we don't care" said the narrators.
They stare at eachother for a long time, but they still can't see. They stare at eachothers souls.

"Woah, we're identical." They say at the same time. They jop toward eachother since they both only have one leg. They hug because they were long lost lovers. Suddenly, their start mixing together like in steven universe. Their two bodies merge inmto one, they grow a new leg and they're not blind now. OMG!!!
Suddenly memories start flowing through the original cosmo's mind. All of the bad thoughts were going through shrek cosmo's mind and all that was left in original cosmo's mind were pure thoughts of world domination and fairy slavery.

Original cosmo had to fight back. The orignal tried to spring out of the new cosmo. It didn't work. He tried once more. It didn't work. Then suddenly the original Cosmo had an idea. It didn't work.

Suddenly, Timmy Turner bursts into the room in a frenzy. He smashes his fist against Cosmo face.

"Where the fluck you been you fucking manwhore dumbass bitch!" Timmy Turner said, shocking cosmo.

"Where did you learn to talk like that?" Daddy said in a protective tone.

"From your wet dreams of course." Timmy Turner winked at daddy. Cosmo blushed, but inside shrek was raging.

Suddenly, Timmy Turner smashes his lips against Cosmo, and then suddenly shrek pops out of cosmo creating a suddenly white blinding light. Suddenly, Timmy and Cosmo are both blinded, suddenly.

When the light flash goes away it is revealed that Timmy Turner is kikssing shrek.Whoa!!

Shrek had never felt this way before, not even with Cosmo. Timmy jumps away in shock.

"What was this, this was something else." He whispers to himself like in those weird animes. Timmy Turner turns. He looks away from Cosmo and Shrek. How could he like both of them. Shrek and Cosmo awkwardly looked at eachother. They all walked to eachother slowly.

They found the answer. The answer to happiness.

"How are we going to make this work?" Cosmo asks, blushing.
"I don't know, but i know that we will. Together." Shreks winks at both of them with both eyes. It looked like he was flinching.

They all join hands, coming closer to eachother.

The narrators turns to the camera with a determined looks on their faces. Suddenly, they start speaking in unison.

"It's not ogre yet. It's never ogre."

It's Not Easy Being Green • Shrek and CosmoWhere stories live. Discover now