Thank You!

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Thank you for reading our amazing horrible creation. It's been such a journey writing this and we're so glad it's over. Especially all of our friends and the people who contributed to us writing it, especially Farquad. We love you farquad!!!

This story has taught us so much about ourselves and we hope it helped you find your way as well.

We learned that sometimes the best part of writing a story is ending it, and you know why if you read this all the way through.

We can't disclose our actual identities in fear of humiliation, but you should know that we are too young but also too old to be as weird as we are.

This was always meant to be a joke, but we got invested in it and we don't know why.

Thank you, we love you, and this is a piece of shit! 💚

Watch out for our sequel that we'll soon be uploaded. If we forget, we're sorry and you're welcome.

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