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^^^to get in the Ball brother spirit, enjoy this!

Aaliyah Kalani JonesAge: 17African American and WhitePlayed Basketball and Volleyball for Bishop Montgomery In the honor choir at BishopLoves to sing, and hang out with friendsHas 1 older sister and 1 younger sister

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Aaliyah Kalani Jones
Age: 17
African American and White
Played Basketball and Volleyball for Bishop Montgomery
In the honor choir at Bishop
Loves to sing, and hang out with friends
Has 1 older sister and 1 younger sister

Aaliyah Kalani JonesAge: 17African American and WhitePlayed Basketball and Volleyball for Bishop Montgomery In the honor choir at BishopLoves to sing, and hang out with friendsHas 1 older sister and 1 younger sister

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Amelia Ciara Johnson
Age: 18
African American and Caucasian
Played Basketball, Hockey, and Lacrosse for Bishop Montgomery, but now plays basketball and lacrosse for UCLA
Has 1 younger brother

Amelia Ciara JohnsonAge: 18African American and Caucasian Played Basketball, Hockey, and Lacrosse for Bishop Montgomery, but now plays basketball and lacrosse for UCLAHas 1 younger brother

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Mya Zendaya Coleman
Age 16
Caucasian and African American
Was on Bishop Montgomery Dance Team and played Soccer on the varsity team her freshmen year
Loves to dance
Has 1 older brother

Mya Zendaya ColemanAge 16Caucasian and African AmericanWas on Bishop Montgomery Dance Team and played Soccer on the varsity team her freshmen yearLoves to danceHas 1 older brother

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Mia Rose Morales
Age 17
Puerto Rican
Played basketball and volleyball for Bishop Montgomery
Loves to chill with her friends
Has 2 younger brothers

Mia Rose MoralesAge 17Puerto Rican Played basketball and volleyball for Bishop Montgomery Loves to chill with her friendsHas 2 younger brothers

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Jaeda Tatiana Allen
Age 16
African American and Caucasian
Played basketball, volleyball, and ran track for Bishop Montgomery
Is an only child

Hannah Jade Zaragoza-JonesAge 17African American and Caucasian Played basketball, soccer, and ran track for Bishop Montgomery Loves to be goofy and hand with friends (major athlete)Plays hard to get when someone try to be in a relationship with he...

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Hannah Jade Zaragoza-Jones
Age 17
African American and Caucasian
Played basketball, soccer, and ran track for Bishop Montgomery
Loves to be goofy and hand with friends (major athlete)
Plays hard to get when someone try to be in a relationship with her but then she is devoted in the end
Has 1 younger sister

Hannah Jade Zaragoza-JonesAge 17African American and Caucasian Played basketball, soccer, and ran track for Bishop Montgomery Loves to be goofy and hand with friends (major athlete)Plays hard to get when someone try to be in a relationship with he...

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Jackie Meghan Gayles
Age 16
African American
Has glasses but wears contacts a lot
Played Volleyball, Tennis and was on Dance Team with Mya
Has one half brother

Ahr'yha Ione Martinez Age 16African American and Puerto Rican Played Softball and Basketball for Bishop Montgomery Plays hard to get in relationships, but then is devoted once in oneA lot of cousins

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Ahr'yha Ione Martinez
Age 16
African American and Puerto Rican
Played Softball and Basketball for Bishop Montgomery
Plays hard to get in relationships, but then is devoted once in one
A lot of cousins

Other characters in this story: Michelle Elizabeth Ball (adopted sis of Andre), Jana Harmony Scott (adopted sis of Eli Scott), LiAngelo Ball, Lonzo Ball, LaMelo Ball, Eli Scott, Daijon Davis, Andre Ball, Phaquan Davis, Big O, Denise Garcia, Isabella Morris, LaVar Ball, and Tina Ball

********************************Hey guys! New story! I'll try and have chapter one up soon! Those girls are the main characters! If u have any questions concerning them, feel free to ask by commenting. Thanks for reading!

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