tumblr shenanigans // jughead jones

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requested: yep by thestilinskipack

dedicated to: her as well! thanks for requesting!  sorry if it took so long :((



One: Is it just me or it's just really hard to socialize? I mean, this is one of the basic new student struggles. There's a new student as well, let's call her Ron, is really great a socializing, whereas me, I'm still here eating my burger and fries. Is it just a 'me' problem, or do you guys relate as well?

Like I don't fricking get how people are so sociable!

Two: People just constantly ask you where you lived, why you moved, is this place more nicer than the old place, etc. etc.

First, stop.

Like, can't people have their own privacy?

P R I V A C Y ?

Want me to spell it for ya?

Others even go overboard! They even ask, 'hey what's the size of you breasts?'

Like are you just that curious or you're just a pervert?

Three: I just post in this blog, so I can live my life. Pls let me live in peace.

Thank u.

Message me, or reblog this if you guys relate! Remember, this potato loves you! (as a friend)

  winky emoji heart heart poop emoji,

  — Potato *insert french fries emoji*

After typing the last symbol, I then pressed 'post'.

After awhile, I received some messages, likes and others even reblogged.

Oh I'm Hailey. A little known to Tumblr. I basically write my rants there, because I suck at socializing... in real life.

@lovespizzaandburgers followed you.

And who might this be? I mean, I see other people follow me, but I really relate to their username. I go to their profile and see that they're also a known blog. They also post interesting stuff.



a dude posting random stuff, 'cause this is the way he relates to the world.

I scrolled down to his recent post.

post # 234

when your friend isn't a part of your fandom, and you're just like:

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