Episode Eighty-Six

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Bumblestar: Today we are going to "murder" some cat else!

Mille: Again???

Bumblestar: Why not? I like to pick on the defenseless.

Mille: Who are you going to pick on today?

Bumblestar: Spiderleg!

Spiderleg: What am I doing here. I'm not like Mille...

Bumblestar: Yeah! You aren't like Mille, but Mille actually cared about one kit while you cared for none.

Spiderleg: What in the StarClan are we doing here?

Bumblestar: I have an executor, he's going to let the blade cut your head off.

Mille: That looks fun.

Spiderleg: *sighs* Let's get this over with.

~Bumblestar leads Spiderleg onto the podium. Spiderleg refused to put his head in the hole. Bumblestar shoved his head into the hole and locked the contraption. Spiderleg starts screaming in anger. Bumblestar sees this unwanted behavior and whispered into his ear saying, "It's fake, don't worry about it." Spiderleg nods unsure about what will happen. ~

Bumblestar: So I set everything up. Executor! Slice this tom cat's head off.

Executor: Hahahahahahaha *pulls lever*

Bumblestar: 0.0 Let's see this.

Spiderleg: Is this really safe for slicin- *head gets chopped off*

Bumblestar: Nah, it's not safe.

Mille: *throws body into the fire* My turn!

Bumblestar: Fine...Mille, Briarlight accidentally touched the fire because the fire was mad at her. Go attack it.

Mille: Stupid fire! *slaps fire with paw then starts burning*

Bumblestar: Welp, that's it for this episode.

Spiderleg: Hey, what's up.

Bumblestar: Spiderleg!!! You weren't suppose to come in until the end of the episode! When will I get good actors?!

Spiderleg: Sorry...*slowly moves away*

Bumblestar: They are both dead now, so...bye!

Mille: *boop's Bumblestar's nose then runs away*

Bumblestar: Why did I hire you guys...I hate all of you.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Still lacking ideas, but I'm trying. Thanks for sticking with us through this inactivity. ~Whisper

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