Chapter 12

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This isn't fucking fair. Ruby and I had to unpack all of our stuff at our new house. We even had to bring in all of the new furniture! Ruby was carrying 2 chairs, while I had a couch.

"Done." Ruby said smiling. She turned to me as I put down the couch. "How did you carry that by yourself?" She asked. "It was easy." I said shrugging.

"Now we can go get Weiss and Yang?" Ruby asked. I nodded and picked up my keys. She followed me to the car and I drove back to the apartment. When we walked in Yang and Weiss were asleep on the couch.

"Guys wake up." I said walking over to them. Weiss's eyes opened slowly and she smiled when she saw me. "We finished packing." Ruby said having to shake Yang awake. "But I'm tired..." Yang whined pushing her hands away.

"You can sleep at the house." Ruby said. Yang groaned and sat up. "Fine." She grumbled standing. Ruby took her hand and we went outside. I heard a dog bark and I jumped on Ruby's back hissing.

"Blake it's just the neighbors dog." Yang said laughing. I glared at our neighbors. They let their dog out every time they see me, racist pricks. Their dog was a Great Dane mixed with an English Mastiff, so even though it was only a puppy it was fucking huge.

"Sit!" Ruby yelled blowing a dog whistle around her neck. I cringed at the the high pitched noise and glared at her. The huge dog sat and I got in the car quickly. Weiss sat next to me with a smirk.

"At least now I know you won't raise a bitch." She said smirking. I rolled my eyes and Ruby and Yang got in the car.

Since it was at least a 30 minute drive Yang and Ruby started suggesting baby names. "Abby." Ruby said shrugging. "What about... Horizon." Yang suggested. "Why is everything sun related with you?" Ruby asked.

"Okay, then... Christine?" Yang said. Ruby shrugged. "I kinda like Christine." Weiss said looking back at them. "I thought we already decided on Dove?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

"Oh, yeah. Because you wanted her name to be elegant." Weiss said smirking. "And because Raven loaned me some money so to be fair I named the kid after her, cause birds..." I said.

"Awe, that's sweet." Weiss said smiling. "Christine it is!" Ruby yelled from the back seat. "Yeah! Christine Schnee Rose Belladonna Xiao Long!" Yang said with a nod. Ruby grinned happily.

"Wait, why does your name get to be last?" I asked parking in our driveway. "Because it doesn't sound right anywhere else." She said like it was fucking obvious... it actually kinda was...

I unlocked the door and they went inside and upstairs. I don't blame them, but someone needs to make dinner. "Ruby, let's go cook some shit." Ruby rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen. "What do pregnant girls eat?" She asked. "I don't fucking know." I said shrugging.

"Why are you swearing so much?" Ruby asked turning on the stove to make ramen. "I'm trying to let it all out before the kids come. That way if they turn into sailors it won't be my fault." I said shrugging.

"Makes sense." Ruby said nodding. I sat on the counter and watched her make ramen. Once she was done I went upstairs to get Yang and Weiss.

"Do they really?" Weiss asked. "Of course they do! Pretty soon your boobs will be an average size." Yang said with a shrug. "The foods done." I said. They both jumped when they heard my voice. "What'd Ruby make?" Yang asked. "Ramen." I said shrugging.

Yang got up and went downstairs. Weiss followed her and I stayed behind them. "Eat as much as you want!" Ruby yelled happily while putting tuna in 1 of the cartoonish sized bowls.


Yang was drooling and a puddle was forming on the floor. Blake's ears twitched and she let out a mew. Weiss grinned happily. I sat down and started eating ramen. We sat at our circular dining table. To my right was Yang, followed by Blake and Weiss.

Yang practically inhaled her food. At one point I had to stop her, to make sure she was actually chewing. "Oh yeah..." Blake sighed out sliding down in her chair and patting her belly. "I know right." Yang said happily. Weiss was sleeping with her face on the table.

Someone knocked on the door and I went to answer it. "Hell- no! What are you doing here!?" I yelled. Dad stood in front of me. "I'm here to apologize." He said. He looked depressed. And when he said that I could smell the cheap alcohol on his breath.

"Come in." I said stepping to the side. We sat on the couch. And he was blinking tears out of his eyes, some of them slid down his face and got trapped in his stubble.

"I'm so, so sorry." He said wiping his eyes on his forearm. "I didn't want to upset you. And I didn't want to take away your dreams. I was scared." He said sobbing.

"Scared of what?" I asked. He pulled me into an embrace. "I was scared that you'd leave me. I want you to be happy. I want you to follow your dreams. But I don't want to be left behind." He said sobbing into my shoulder.

I heard a choked sob from behind me and turned my head. Yang and Weiss were both in tears. Blake's ears were flattened against her head. "I would never leave you. We've all lost so much already." I said with a sob. I hugged him back lightly.

I don't know how long we stayed like that before pulling away. He stood up to hug Yang. "I'm sorry." He said. She just cried into his chest. "I'll always be your Sunny Little Dragon." She mumbled sniffling.

"Thank you. And congratulations." He said. Yang froze at that. I felt swear slide down my face, or tears, I couldn't tell. "You too Weiss." He said with a grin. "H-How did you find out?" I asked nervously. "Mama Bird couldn't keep her mouth shut." He said laughing.

"Th-Thanks Sir." Weiss said nervously. He shook his head. "Call me dad, you too Blake." He said making them grin. "So what names did you decide on?" He asked when we all sat on the 2 couches. "Dove." Weiss said. "Christine." Yang said. "Any boy names?" He asked.

"We can't have a son since there's no Y  chromosome-" I said. "So you were paying attention in Science." Weiss said. "-so the closing thing we could get to a boy is a girl like me and Blake." I said. He nodded. "But if we did have a son, we'd name it August." Yang said with a smirk. "Yeah!" I said high fiving her. "August?" Weiss asked. "Yeah, because fall comes after summer." I said nodding.

"So, who did who?" Dad asked. Blake's face turned red. "I thought it was a little obvious." I said wrapping an arm around Yang. He looked at Blake with a raised eyebrow. "You? And the Ice Queen?" He asked making Yang laugh loudly. "That's what I said." She said.

"We have a lot in common." Blake said as a blush spread across her face. Weiss smiled and pet her right car ear. "I'm not as mean as I used to be." Weiss said crossing her arms. Blake nuzzled into her neck. "Yeah, you've gotten way nicer and more layed back." She said.

"I should get going, you know I hate leaving Zwei with Qrow." He said kissing our foreheads, even Weiss's and Blake's.

"Bye dad!" I yelled waving as he drove away. I went inside and shut the door.

"He should bring Zwei next time." I said looking up at Yang.

"No." Blake said, but Weiss punched her arm.

"Ow! Okay! Okay! Fine!"

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