Chapter 2

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—Grayson's POV—

She sounded so mean, but it's probably cause she's mad about the situation. I would be sad about this moment but honestly, I was too busy studying her face. She just looks so beautiful with her blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes she's just so beautiful. Hopefully tomorrow at our tutoring session she'll be a little nicer. Hopefully nicer than she was in freshman year.

—Amie's POV—
*later at home*
"You need a tutor because you are failing." My mother yells at me. "And that's the end of this."

"Ugh." I groan and walk upstairs to my room and flop on my bed. I pull out my phone and see that I got a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: hey, you're place or mine?

A: who is this?

Unknown: oh sorry it's Grayson.

A: it's cool. Umm... my place.

After that I went on my laptop and started watching Netflix. I get a text from Kara.

K: hey what happened. You never came to my locker.

A: oh I was pissed. Mr. Scuppie assigned me a tutor.

K: lol sucks for you. Who is it?

A: Grayson Dolan.

K: Ethan's nerdy brother?

A: yeah.

K: damn. Now it really sucks for you😂

A: bye Kara.

K: I'm sorry Amie it's just too funny

I left Kara on read and went back to my Netflix. An hour or two later I end up falling asleep.

Welp... here's chapter two I hope you like it lol. I updated on Dolan twins Tuesday, so technically this is also called tutor Tuesday. 😂😂 get it because I update on Tuesdays. Not funny? Ok I'll shut up. But vote, comment, and follow. If ya want.

~See ya next week on

Tutor Tuesday's!!!

Still not funny? Ok I'm done.

~See ya later ✌🏻️

Tutor : G.D. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora