.:: Chapter 7 : Dog's Are A Man's Best Friend ::.

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.:: Carlos' POV || Time Skip a Week ::.

"Okay, Carlos. Today we'll be practicing some basic sprints," Ben said. I nodded.

Suddenly, I hear barking.
I looked behind me and screamed.

"Okay, go!" Ben blew his whistle and I ran off as fast as possible.

"CARLOS, WAIT!" Ben yelled, running after me.

I ran into pretty deep into the forest to get away from the killer. I had no other choice but to climb a tree to escape the dog.

.:: Your POV || A few minutes earlier ::.

You were walking your dog, Spot. She was practically walking you, though, since you let her go wherever.  She stopped and her ears perked up, and she looked around.

"What is it girl?" you asked, getting down to her level.
"Is it a squirrel?"

Suddenly Spot let out a loud bark and sprinted off. You screamed and fell over, and stumbled to get into your feet to chase her.
"SPOT! WAIT! SLOW DOWN!" you yelled, chasing after her.

Soon you heard another person scream. You and Spot both ran to the direction of the scream.
Once you got there, you gasped. "Carlos? Are you okay?"

"(Y/n)! Stand back! Those things are KILLERS!" he pointed to Spot and another dog.

You chuckled, "What do you mean? They're harmless!"
"No, they're not! They'll attack you and rip out your throat!" Carlos said nervously.

You smirked, "You've never actually met a dog before, haven't you?" you asked. He shook his head no.

You picked up Spot while Dude sat by your feet, "Carlos, this is my Dalmatian, Spot; and this is Dude. He's the campus mutt," you smiled.

Carlos hopped down from the tree.

He pet Dude first, "They don't look like rapid pack animals..." Dude licked his hand and he laughed.

"Here, you can hold him," you hand Dude to him and he took him in his arms gingerly.

"Hey buddy," he scratched behind Dude's ears and Dude tried to lick his hand again. Carlos laughed.

"Spot, you behave, okay?" you cooed to Spot. She licked your finger as if to say, "Okay."

"Do you want to hold Spot now?" You asked. Carlos looked uneasily at Spot then you, "Are you sure? You know my history with Dalmatians..." he said.

"It's okay, Spot was only scared at first."

Carlos sat down and leaned on the foot of the tree as he pet Dude. You sat down and let Spot hop off your lap.

She walked right up to Carlos and put her paws on his leg, wagging her tail. He grinned, "Hey Spot... you're a good girl, aren't you?" he pet her head and she barked happily.

You smiled at them, "See? Dogs aren't so bad. Who told you that, anyway?"
"My mother," he sighs. Spot licked his hand and he laughed. He looked up at you, "Thanks for letting me spend time with these two," Carlos said. You smile, "No problem. I... do have a question, though," you say.

"What's up?" Carlos scratched Dude's back while he let Spot lick his fingers.
"Are we... cool? I know I blew up at you the other day, but, I was just hurt."

"Friends don't lie, I'm sorry," Carlos sighed. "I didn't lie, though. I don't like stealing. I just had to. Wherever Mal goes, I follow. That's just how it's always been," he says.

You nod slowly, "I see."

"Carlos! There you are!" Ben said. You both look over at him, "Oh, hey Ben!" you said. "Hi," he smiled. "You're a really fast runner, Carlos. You'll definitely be great at Tourney."

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