chapter 3

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*Anxiety's ​POV*
We continued watching Disney movies for a while. We were currently watching Cinderella and I noticed no one was singing along to the songs I looked over to the others. Patton and Logan were cuddled up together and Thomas was asleep next to them. Roman was sleeping next to me. He looked so peaceful and cute when he was asleep. I turned off the TV and cuddled up next to Princey. After a few minutes I was fast asleep.

*Princey's POV*
I woke up and yawned. I believe I fell asleep while watching Snow White. I looked around and saw Logan and Patton were asleep cuddled next to each other. Thomas was under a pile of blankets and Anxiety was cuddled next to me with his arms around me and his head against my chest. I felt myself blush. Anxi was so cute and it felt nice with his arms around me. I smiled down at him and didn't try to move. I knew I wasn't getting up until Anxiety woke up.

*Thomas's POV*
I woke up and looked around. Morality and Logic were sleeping and Anxiety was next to Princey. "Morning Princey" I said quietly. "Good morning Thomas" the royal said happily. I heard a yawn followed by a good morning. "Good morning Logan" Roman smiled. "Morning Logan" I said. I heard some tired mumbling followed by a slight chuckle from Logan. "Patton wake up" Logan said shaking Patton's shoulder lightly. Soon enough Morality woke up and Anxiety was the only one sleeping. "Thomas would you like to help make breakfast?" Morality asked. "It would be beneficial to your learning to cook" Logic said. I nodded and the three of us walked to the kitchen.

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