Hello, old friend.

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Hours passed and Bendy was still crying uncontrollably, "Alice.." was all he could say. Then he heard some creaking behind him but was to distraught to even care.

"Bendy?" A familiar voice called out to the demon.

"B-Boris?" He responded in a shaky voice.

"Bendy is that you? What happened to y-" The wolf began to ask but soon realized who Bendy was holding. "ALICE! Bendy what happened to her?"

Bendy didn't respond and kept holding Alice tight in his arms. "Bendy? Please tell me what happened! I want to help!"

"IT'S TOO LATE BORIS!" The demon snapped and whipped his head towards Boris, startling him. "SHE'S GONE! And it's my fault.." He started to talk in a quieter voice.

"G-gone? You, you mean like-"

"Boris.. I already told you.. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" Bendy was starting to grow agitated by Boris' questions and presence.

"But Bendy there's gotta be a way to bring her back!"

"There isn't.." Bendy knew there was no way he could bring her back.

"What about the Ink Machine?" The clumsy sidekick suggested.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU SAYING TO MAKE A COPY OF ALICE?! I don't want a copy, Boris! I want the original! I just want my Alice back.." He started to sob again.

"Bendy.. We need to get out of here, Henry found a way to attack and kill us! "


"Bendy, you need to let go." He tried to remove Alice from Bendy's grip.

"NO! NO YOU CAN'T TAKE HER, I WON'T LET YOU!" He started to yell and Scream at Boris while he became blinded by tears.



"Bendy please!"

"NO! No! No.." The demon couldn't think or say anything besides no and held onto Alice as tight as he could.

Boris tried with all the strength he could muster to get Bendy to let go, but it was no use. Each time he pulled Bendy would tighten his grip.

"Bendy we need to leave!" He finally shouted at Bendy.

"..... Did you just yell at me..?" Bendy asked with a angry tone.

"Uh?!" Boris could see that he made things much, much worse.

"Boris.. You know I'm your friend right? And friends should never yell at friends.." He sounded more insane then usual, which scared Boris.
"Bendy? Are you okay?"

"I will be, Boris.. After I gouge your heart and eyes out."

"BENDY?!" Boris never thought Bendy would hurt him like that. "Bendy what are you doing?!" He asked as Bendy gently put Alice's body down and walked towards him.

"Just a little gift for shouting at me, your best friend!" He said the last few words with a crazy toned voice.

"BENDY NO, I'M SORRY! Please don't hurt me!" He covered his face with his hands and begged for mercy.

"Maybe you should have known not to yell at someone who is more powerful than a mangy mutt!" He raised his hand and claws began to form from the ink dripping from his fingers.

"BENDY PLEASE DON'T!" Boris pleaded "I promise I'll never do it again!"

"Heh heh heh.. Ha, ha.. HAHAAHAHHA!" Bendy started to become hysterical.

Boris prepared for the worst.

Bendy was about to strike until he heard the projector turn on. "Huh?" He looked behind him and saw that Sammy's puddle was gone. "WHAT? NO! That bastard, how dare he Think he can get away with what he did!"

"Huh?" Boris replied.

"Grrr.." Bendy stared at Boris and placed his claws over his heart. "If you touch Alice I. Will. Murder. You!" His eyes started to look crazy and he turned and ran out to find the recording studio.

Boris sat there terrified and didn't know what to do. "Bendy.. He's really lost his mind! And what happened to poor miss Alice?" He looked at her non-moving body and started to whine. He covered his eyes and sobbed. "Maybe I'm the real reason this happened.. Maybe I should have looked for them here first." He blamed himself for his friend's death and Bendy's insanity.

So what do you guys think? Enjoying the story so far?  I just make it up as I go. :/  

An unwanted offering. (Bendy X Alice)Where stories live. Discover now