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My computer is finally fixed! I hope you enjoy the long awaited part 3! :D 

Bendy ran to the projector room hoping to find Sammy there. "That motherfucker thinks he can just kill my girlfriend and get way with it? I don't think so bud!"

He ran up the stairs that led to the projection area, but Sammy wasn't there. "Where'd you go you little bitch?!"

He looked down and saw that the hidden room with the switch for the pipes was open, but that wasn't the only thing that caught his attention. The door behind the mic was open as well.

"Huh? What are you up to now Sammy?" He jumped down and crawled between the board blocking the small area and the ceiling and through the door, there he saw more music and recording equipment.

"Huh, so that's what's in this room.. Wait! Stay focused Bendy!" He slapped himself on the face, trying to get his focus back. He ran to the other side of the room looking for any sign of Sammy.

"Scripts, music, character sheets. But no Sammy. Come on out Sammy, "your lord" has something to say to you!" He kept searching but couldn't find him. He then opened a door to a room full of episode posters. "Wow.. So this is where all the posters come from. No point in having them now, they're useless-" He stopped and stared. In front of him he saw Alice's "Sent From Above" poster, pasted on the wall with a slight tilt.

"A-Alice.." He could feel his inky heart break even more, and tears starting to form. He walked closer to it and placed his hand on it. "Why.. Why did this happen? Why was Sammy such a fool to think I would be happy with this?" He put his head against the wall and cried. Remembering the wacky adventures they would go on in the cartoon, their first meeting when they were brought to life, the songs they used to sing, their first kiss..

"A-Alice! Why?! .... Alice.." He sat down with his hand still on the poster, crying enough tears to fill a small river. "WHY?!" He could feel his rage coming back. He sat up and took the poster off of the wall, being careful not to rip it, and placed it under his bowtie. "Now.. Where are you Sammy?" His voice got lower.

His eyes became hypnotic swirls from the rage he felt, and he began to grow his claws again. He ran to the next room, but found nothing. "WHERE ARE YOU HIDING?! I swear Sammy, if you don't come out right now, I'll burn this whole place down!" He threatened, knowing Ink and wood were flammable. Just then he heard a noise.

"Ah-ha! There you are!" He ran towards the sound, feeling so sure it was Sammy. He moved a barrel that was blocking the figure. "GOT'CHA!" The figure was looking away from Bendy, even though he knew he was there. He turned around and Bendy saw he cut a mouth in another Bendy cutout and put it on, but noticed it wasn't the normal Bendy, in fact it wasn't the same one at all. He cut a prototype Bendy cutout. The head was smaller and more round, the horns were more chubby, the eyes were more oval, and his smile was smaller. It also had small bushy eyebrows.

"What the?! What the fuck are you wearing?" Bendy was very confused by his old design. "It's you my lord! Or, at least the old you. You see, every character goes through changes while being created right?"   "Right..?"   "Well, this was your design from 1929, the first design Henry and Joey decided on."   "And this has to do with you killing Alice.. How?.."   He remembered he was still holding the barrel up. "Say, Sammy? You know what a great idea is right now? Me beating you to death with this barrel!"   "My lord, NO!"   Bendy raised the barrel up more. "I swear I didn't know you would be upset! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!"

"Well, Sammy. You should have thought twice before you made the idiot decision to piss a demon off!"   "My lord, you're a savior! Saviors are supposed to forgive!"   "Well I'm not forgiving anyone anymore." He smashed the barrel on top of Sammy and heard a loud splat. "... I know you're still alive bitch." He held up has hand and waited for Sammy to reform "Uuhgh.. I'm sorry my lord.. I can make you another!"   "I don't want another Sammy! I want the real Alice back, the original Alice!"   He slashed him with his claws and sliced the mask into several pieces. "AHHH!" My lord please stop!"

He kept slashing him until he was just a small puddle again. "HAHAHAHA! I hope you're burning in hell!" He began to laugh maniacally, eventually breaking down into tears again and falling to his knees. "Why did you have to do this, Sammy? You know I loved her.."

Meanwhile, Boris was sitting in the room Alice was killed in, weeping and whining. "Why is miss Alice dead? What happened?.. Is it my fault?" He had so many questions. "Bendy will never be the same again... He's probably going to kill us all!" He started to become scared of what Bendy was going to do next. Just then he got an idea. "Wait a minute.. That book, The Illusion of Living! Maybe it has some answers!" He began to run to the first floor to find the book, hoping he could find a way to bring Alice back.

Bendy was still crying uncontrollably while holding onto the Alice poster. "ALICE! WHY?!" He kept yelling the same thing over and over again until he was exhausted, he eventually cried himself to sleep. Not knowing someone was watching him..

Henry was trying to find a way out of the studio, trying to avoid ink monsters known as Searchers. "Where am I? I don't remember these rooms being here! In fact, I don't remember there being more that two floors! A lot has changed since I was here.." *Clink* "What? Who's there?" He didn't know what was going to be around the corner, but he tried to stay calm. "Henry.." The voice sounded weak and scared "What do you want? And who are you? How do you know my name?" "Henry..." The voice got louder, and then a figure appeared. It had a human shaped torso, arms and head. The legs were melting so it had to crawl. It also was made of ink but some skin was visible, along with some ginger hair. "What the?!"  "HENRY... HELP ME!"  "Who are you?!" Henry didn't know what to think, the thing knew him!

"Henry it's me, Wally! Help me, please!" He was melting and was in immense pain. "WALLY?!" Henry was shocked, his old janitor friend was dying right in front of him! "How- How do I help you?!" "Find the book that Joey used.. The Illusion of Living.. It will have the answers. He's done this to all of us!" He then fainted from the pain. But Henry didn't know if he wanted him to wake up, just to feel the pain again. "The book? Wait.. The one I used for the offering?! Don't worry Wally, I'm going to help you and everyone else!" He went to find a entrance to the first floor.

I'm sorry it's so short! I couldn't think of much for this part.. >.< And Sorry if some parts seem random. Who will get the book first? Who will it be used on? All this and more in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! I'm sorry, I'll leave now..

 If there's any punctuation mistakes or missing " where they're talking feel free to let me know! :) I do look over it but sometimes I still miss some.

An unwanted offering. (Bendy X Alice)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat