The deal.

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Bendy woke up after crying himself to sleep, but when he sat up he noticed he wasn't in the same place. "W-where am I?" He looked around, there were some desks, some chairs, a lamp, and some pens and paper. He then noticed a large sign above one of the desks. "Joey Drew's office" Bendy then realized just where exactly he was. "J-...JOEY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He spun around looking for any sign of the man. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? WHY DID YOU BRING ME TO YOUR OFFICE?!" He growled in frustration when he couldn't spot him anywhere, until he heard wet footsteps. "Huh?" He turned around and saw Joey, but what he saw couldn't be Joey. No, it was a monster. His skin was fused with ink, his eyes shone bright like stars in the night sky, his black hair became tangled with ink and his hands now bared claws. He was taller than his normal self too, even taller than Bendy. "J-Joey? Is that, is that you?.." Bendy didn't know what to make of this. Never did he imagine that when he finally found Joey, that he would be fused with the demonic ink that made up the very being of his own body. "Joey, what the hell?!" "Bendy.." Bendy froze, Joey's voice was low and had a slight echo to it. He slowly stood up from crouching to look more intimidating to him, but he only came up to Joey's stomach area. This caught him off guard. "Bendy, I've been waiting for you to wake up. I need you to do something for me." He stared down at Bendy with his glowing eyes, and Bendy could've sworn he saw some sharp teeth too when he spoke. He snapped back into reality as he remembered that he was just asked to do something. "Huh, what?! Me, do something for you? ARE YOU CRAZY?!" He tried to push Joey, but he wouldn't budge. "Bendy, please listen. I need you to bring Henry here, I have a very.. Important matter, that we need to discuss. And besides, I told him that I needed to show him something." He finished speaking and observed Bendy. "What? What kind of matter?" "Well.. let's just say it's for me to know and for him to find out later." Bendy stared up at his half human, half ink face with confusion. "I have bigger problems to deal with right now, Joey! ALICE WAS KILLED BY SAMMY!" He raged from remembering what had happened hours before. "I know, I've been watching you." Joey said simply. "WHAT? WHY?!" He stared at him with anger, disgust and hate. How could he have just stood there and not say anything until now?! "Bendy, just listen to me. I need you to bring Henry here, and bring a book called, "Life Immortalized"."   "Life Immortalized?" Bendy wondered what that book was for, and why Joey needed it. "If I bring you Henry and the book, what do I get in return?" He was expecting some sort of joke. "If you comply to these tasks, then I'll bring back Alice." Bendy's head shot up and his eyes widened. "You, YOU WILL?!" He had a slight glimmer of hope in his eyes, was he really going to bring Alice back to life? "Yes, and I can promise you that it'll all be worth it." He took his hand and pet Bendy's head. Bendy pushed his hand away, a little creeped out. "Fine, then I'll do it." He went and looked for the book, then he would search for Henry. "Don't worry Alice, I'll fix this!" He said while tears started to roll down his cheeks.

 Meanwhile, Henry had found a way to the first floor. Problem was, he needed to climb to get up. "Damn, how am I going to climb this thing?" He tried grabbing onto a piece of wood but it snapped. "Shit." He looked around for anything he could use to get up. He noticed a part of a ladder sticking out from underneath some debris. "Hmm, I wonder.." He walked over to it and pulled it out. "There we go!" He moved the ladder over to the hole in the ceiling and climbed up. When he got up he was greeted by a wolf in overalls staring down at him. "AH!" He almost fell off but managed to hold on. "AHH!" Boris ran away, he knew Henry had a weapon. "Boris? What the hell is he doing up here? And how is he alive?!" He finished climbing up and ran after him, then stopped and looked from behind a wall. "Where is it? Where is it? Where is that book?!" Boris was frantically looking through drawers and under trash for the book he thought might bring Alice back. Henry just stood there, wondering why he was looking for a book. Then a thought crossed his mind. "Wait, a book? Is he looking for the same book I'm looking for?" He slowly snuck up on Boris. "Boris?" Boris jumped from the sudden noise and whipped around to find Henry standing in front of him with an axe. "Henry! Please don't hurt me!" He covered his face with his arms. "Huh? Oh." He put the axe down slightly. "What are you doing up here? And why are you looking for a book?" Boris froze up. He stared at Henry with a worried expression. "Umm, well. You see.." He didn't know how he was going to just tell him. Would Bendy get mad? Has Bendy returned to the room Alice was in? He was struck with so many questions, that he didn't know how to respond. "Boris?" Henry waved his hand in Boris' face. "HUH?!" He jumped, startling Henry a little. "Boris, why are you so jumpy? What are you afraid of?" Boris just started to back up, he looked around to see of he could catch a glimpse of the book anywhere, then he spotted it. It was in the offering room. His ears perked up."Bingo!" He thought. He looked over to Henry, then back at the room. He quickly dashed over to it and snatched the book. "Hey, Boris! Wait!" Henry chased after Boris. Just as he thought, he was after the same book. Boris climbed down the ladder Henry left and pulled if forward to make it fall. "Damn it, Boris!" Henry looked down and saw Boris run away into the hall below. He took a deep breath and jumped down, hurting his leg. "SHIT!" He held his leg, but eventually got up and chased as best as he could after Boris. Boris ran to a nearby room and locked the door by putting a chair under the door knob. "Boris, let me in! I just want to talk to you!" Henry pulled and pushed the door as hard as he could, but it wouldn't open. "I'm sorry, Henry! But I can't let you take this book, I need it!" He looked around and saw a small hole in the wall, he climbed through and ended up in a room with another table. "Oh no.. No, no, no!" He was terrified after what he went through. He searched for an exit but couldn't find one. Then he heard a click, he turned around and saw an open door and... A shadow? No, it wasn't a shadow. While all of the chasing was happening someone was watching them from the shadows. "Who- Who are you?" Boris asked, fear very present in his voice. "You should know me." The familiar voice said calmly. "UH!" Boris had flashbacks to when he was strapped down onto the table and being cut open. "No!"    "I need another sacrifice."     "Sammy, no!" Sammy didn't look the same anymore. He was deformed and had slashed overalls, pieces of the Bendy masks were stuck in his face and body. He had an axe with him too. "SAMMY, PLEASE STAY AWAY!" Boris scratched at the wall hoping to make a hole somehow, but Sammy ignored his plea and walked over to him. "Boris, remember how Bendy got angry at you? How he was going to attack you? That's not a friend. He wants you dead." Sammy spoke while slowly cornering Boris. "No, you're wrong! He's just really upset about what you've don-" He turned around and was hit in the face with the axe. "IT WAS A MISTAKE!" Sammy yelled furiously. "I know I should have known better than to kill Alice. But I didn't. You don't need to remind me how my lord hates me now!" He put his foot on Boris' head and pulled the axe out. "It should have been you, you two never got along very well. Yet, you still hung out with him. Why? Such a foolish thing to think a pathetic canine like you could be friends with someone superior!" He held his axe up over his shoulders. "HEAR ME BENDY! TAKE THIS OFFERING AND SET ME FREE!" Boris was still conscious but his vision was blurry. He looked up in horror and put his hands in front of his face waiting for the impact. "SPLAT" The sound echoed through the room. Sammy waited for Bendy to appear, but he never did. "Bendy? My lord, take this offering! You need to set me free!" There was no response. "Bendy? Why have you forsaken me?! I said I'm sorry!" He dropped to his knees and held his head. What was he going to do? How was he going to be set free?! 

Henry had broken down the door with his axe, but Boris wasn't in the room. He saw the hole and went through. "Boris? Boris, where are you?" He looked down and saw a lifeless body. "BORIS?!" He ran over and saw two giant cuts on his face and head. "BORIS!" Henry couldn't believe it! Who could've done this? "Henry.." He turned around and saw Sammy with the axe. "Sammy?!" "Sheep, sheep, sheep it's time for sleep. Rest your head it's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning, you'll be dead. There is no place to run, so let's have some fun. Your bedtime is near, I'll make you disappear, don't fret little sheep. I'm only repaying a debt. Sheep, sheep, sheep it's time for sleep. Sleep for goodness sake, but you'll never wake." He swung the axe at him and hit him in the shoulder. "AGH!" Henry stumbled onto the floor and held his wound. "Sammy, stop this right now! What the hell has gotten into you since I left?!"   "Oh, Henry. If only you would praise Bendy, then maybe I wouldn't have to kill you." He held it up again and swung down , but this time Henry dodged it. He got up, grabbed the book that was laying next to Boris' body and ran. "Come here little sheep, you need your rest.." He chased after Henry. "What the hell is going on?!" Henry saw a confession booth. Wait, a confession booth?! He hid in it. "Shit, what the hell has gotten into Sammy?!" He was sitting down so he wouldn't be spotted. "Where are you little sheep?" Sammy's footsteps could be heard outside of the booth. Then the door slightly opened. "SHIT!" He thought. Sammy opened the door more and held his axe up. "Night, night little sheep." Henry closed his eyes, waiting for death. "SPLATTER"   "Huh?" He opened his eyes and saw.. "Bendy?!" He was grabbed by his shirt and dragged by Bendy. "BENDY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!".. No answer. "Bendy, I haven't done anything to you!" Still no answer. Bendy dragged him through ink puddles and the hall. He found some rope and tied Henry up. "Bendy, what the hell?!" He tried to get free but couldn't. Bendy picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. "Now to just find that book.." Bendy thought to himself. He put Henry down in a spot he knew he couldn't escape if he got free from the rope, and ran off to find the book. "What the hell is going on?!" He kept trying to get free while Bendy was gone. Bendy searched every room, every desk, drawer, cupboard, trashcan, closet.. Nothing. "Where the hell is that damn book?!" Bendy was getting even more stressed, all he needed was the book! Yet, it seems to have just disappeared, or never existed at all. He went into the next room and looked on in horror. "B-BORIS?!" He couldn't believe it. Not only was Alice gone, now Boris was too! "Boris, wake up! Please buddy, wake up!" He kept pushing his body to wake him up, but to no avail. "BORIS, WAKE UP PLEASE! I CAN'T HAVE BOTH OF YOU DEAD!" He started to cry again. First Alice, and now Boris. Dead. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I yelled at you! I'm sorry I almost hit you! Just, please wake up!" He covered his face with his hands and regretted ever snapping at him, if he knew that would be their last conversation he would have never done it. He stayed there on his knees until he remembered that he had a deal with Joey. "If you comply to these tasks, then I'll bring back Alice." He thought that maybe if he brought Alice back, maybe he could to the same to Boris. "Don't worry Boris, I'm going to fix you too." He picked him up and headed to the next room to find the book. He wanted to kill Henry, he really did, but he knew that if he killed him he would break the deal. It had to have been Henry that killed Boris though, right? He Found a new room and went inside, there, he saw a huge nave and at the end was a giant screen with his face projected onto it, and below the screen was a pentagram. "What the fuck?!" Since when was there a church in the studio? AND WHY DOES EVERYONE WORSHIP ME?!" He felt disgusted, he didn't have time for "disciples". He hesitantly took a step in the room and then continued walking down to the end. He saw plushes of him, old cartoons, music, and.. A Bendy Bible?! "Ok, WHAT THE FUCK JOEY?! I'm pretty sure one Bible was enough, I don't need my own!" He looked around some more and saw another book. "Huh?" He picked it up, blew of the dust and read the title. "Life Immortalized". "Fucking finally! Just put it in the creepiest room to ever exist why don't you?!" He ran out of the room quickly, feeling uncomfortable with people praising a cartoon character. Then he ran back to Henry, who had fallen asleep from tiring himself out from struggling. "Wow, you still tried to escape? Dumbass." He put the book between his teeth and picked Henry up. "Wow, I'm strong.." He said to himself through his teeth, impressed he could hold Boris and Henry without falling over from his mismatched arms and feet. He started to run back to Joey's office. "Everything's going to be ok, Alice is coming back, and Boris is coming back too.." He thought positively to himself. Not knowing that someone was watching him..

It's back! Yep, I couldn't think of where to go until now. :/ Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! :D BTW this is the longest part I've written so far.  2539 words!

An unwanted offering. (Bendy X Alice)Where stories live. Discover now