New Kid 1

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Y/N prov.

Tuesday came and I was forced to go to class
I woke up in kookie's arms but this time we didn't over sleep, he put the alarm...damn alarm...

We ate breakfast quick because I had to get to class before 8 and kookie had a job interview at the café next to my college at 8 as well

We rushed breakfast and got in the car quick

Once I got to college I pecked his lips,wished him good luck and I was on my way to my dorm
*Cough* Not really realizing what I did *cough*

I got there and was greeted by Gabs
And by greeted I mean get the shit scared out of me
She jumped me

"Hey,you recovered from your "bad cold" I see"
Gabs said

"Yep feeling a lot better,but I think I almost got a heart attack..."
I responded

"Hahaha,sorry about that.
Guess love is the true medicine"

I just looked at her unamused

The worlds worse sound came,the bell
We made out way to class and the new kid was there

Gabs grabbed my arm and gave me a brief review of the new guy
"New kid's name is Yo Young Han,hes a nice, quiet,shy kid. Oh! And he also is an artist in many departments, instruments,art,dance and acting.
Hes from a rich-ish family and he was homeschooled.
Isn't he interesting!"
Her brief explanation is just about this guy and his talents...

Gabs explained him like he's the best thing since toilet paper

"First,you have a boyfriend and second,I dont care. Along as hes not a bully nor a lazy fuckboy that when there's a group project he does nothing,I don't care about his talents"
I said
It sounded cold yeah but,in college I don't want to get to know a lot of people,most of them I wont talk to after college,and if I do get to know them it's because they're nice,fun and we share things in common
Other then that,I won't talk to someone,not because I don't think they're "not worthy",to put it like that, but,if we don't have anything in common don't expect me to go up to you and start a conversation that ends up being awkward

I'm doing them a favor.

"Im just saying,it's not like Im going to leave Elian for him.
You could try to talk to him,you don't know you may have a beautiful friendship together"
She said with a smile

I just looked at her like 'really'

I couldn't really tell her why I wouldn't because the teacher came in

History Class started and you know class is boring so I don't pay much attention
Which I should...
But it's boring
So I won't
My Logic

I sit in the back and I know this teacher personally since she's good friends with my mom so she never calls on me, because I asked her not to
Haha perks!

Pro tip: befriend a teacher
There's a lot of benefits

Young Ha made the impression that hes not shy and quiet as Gabs explained
Hes quite open
He answered most of the questions she asked and went up to the board to answer sometimes

Obviously an extrovert

To prove my point even more
He stared talking to the 'fuckboys' and 'fuckgirls' of the class
When we finished doing work and the teacher let us do whatever

Once class was over me and Gabs where walking and talking to our next class

"Shy and quiet huh"

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