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Dear Diary,

I got a new journal today. Which is very convenient since it's also the first day of senior year.

My mother suprised me with this diary this morning as a good luck gift? I don't know.

My name is Brynlee Hunter and I am a 18-year-old senior. I'm an only child who loves the color orange, because why not?

If you need imagery, I have dirty-blond hair that's more on the "blonde" side than "brown". I have dark hazel eyes and perfectly tan skin.

Alright, introduction stuff is over now, so let's get to the actual entry.

I just got home from my first day of school today and I'm not happy with the reactions I got from the boys while I was there.

They had googly eyes and I think I saw some drool on a couple of them.

I don't think of myself as beautiful, unlike every guy here. It disturbs me a lot honestly, but they're not hurting me, so I can't say anything about it. Plus I can't just say, "Make them stop staring" to the principal because he can't control every boy in the school. They can look wherever they want, but they should choose wisely because if this goes on for the entire year again, someone's gonna get hurt.

Several people have already been punched, pinched, flicked, and kicked where the sun doesn't shine from the last three years. I get stares pretty often and a lot of idiots like cross the boundaries. Yup. I hate this hellhole highschool, known as Watermouth High.

What kind of name is that? Watermouth?

The boys all get water mouths when they look at me. It's really creepy.

I seriously don't know what they see in me. I'm a dick most of the time.

Y'know? Maybe I should just keep my distance from all of the boys this year.

Except Maxim Brodsky. He's one of my best friends along with Sam. Her real name is Samantha Camanche, but she thinks that her name is too girly for her personality, so we just call her "Sam".

And Max has a boyfriend already, so don't assume things and ship us for no reason. He's gay.

Yesterday there was a moving truck by our neighbors house. It's been on sale for a long time now, so I was suprised to see a new family. All I saw was a mother, father, and two little girls, but I soon found out that there's a teenage boy too.

Great, right? Of course he moves in when I finally decide to stay away from his gender.

I haven't spoken to him yet, but I did have the urdge to slap him today.

I thought he was following me home since I never saw him yesterday. I thought he was a stalker or rapist.

I ran inside and looked out my window to see him walking into our neighbors house.

I have to stop writing here. There's a weird knocking sound coming from somewhere and it's driving me insane.


"What the hell is that noise?" I muttered under my breath, quietly stomping over to my window where it was coming from.

I furiously opened my window and looked to see where the sound was coming from. Right across from me, was that teenage boy, throwing pebbles at my window.

Oh how romantic.

One of the pebbles hit my forehead and I growled in response.

I hate this kid already.

He had spiked black hair and freckles that could kill if looks were a weapon. His left eye was blue and his right eye was green which were both piercing into my soul.

Of course, he's attractive. So teen fiction books actually do come true. Too bad I read them for entertainment and not because I'm a lonely piece of shit.

I mean, I am a lonely piece of shit, but I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm single and proud.

"Mind if I come in, princess?" The boy spoke. Oh lord, help my soul. This is so cliche, it's aggravating.

I'm definitely staying away from boys this year.

I blew out a huff of annoyance, and glared at him. "Yes, I do mind." I growled before slamming the window closed and tiredly stomping back to my bed and passing out.

Author's Note

Neeew book!!

This is just a little introduction to a new book that I'll hopefully be writing after NSCK is finished.

I now present: DD!
Also known as: Dear Diary

Well, thanks gor reading! New chapter coming... at some point.

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