Entry 3: My Neighbor Is Jesus

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Dear Diary,

Fucking Jamie Anderson. What a load of bullshit he is. He thinks he can barge into my stuff, my room, my life and then get away with it?

He expects me to be his friend after what he's done? And then he tries to comfort me on the roof of the school by saying "I know". "I know" what? What could he possibly know? He could be saying he knows that I was scared(which is still messed up to tease about), or he could know about my real parents. I doubt it's the latter.

I took care of Brandon for him and he repays me by grabbing my wrists to comfort me about something he has no clue about. But being honest, the hug comforted me a tiny bit. It felt nice. Until he said "I know".

I shouldn't have exploded on him like that, it wasn't his fault that I went to the roof. Well, it kind of is, but I was still over reacting a bit. I hope he's okay. He seems to like me a lot, so I hope what I did wasn't too heartbreaking.

After school, Sam took me out of school during the lunch period to go eat somewhere else. We asked if Max wanted to come but he said he needed to talk with Jamie. So that's another reason I'm worried about Jamie. Max is intimidating when he wants to be.

I have to go to shool now.


"Ugh. Yesterday was awful." I groaned to myself in my pillow. My hand got a cramp from rage writing and now I just feel lazy.

I don't want to go to school and it's only the first week.

I groaned even more as I closed the blinds without bothering to look through the window and changed into my clothes. I ran down the stairs, passed my mom to grab an apple.

"Uh uh," She tisked. "Where's your homework?" She asked and I was contemplating whether to be a smartass and say "in my backpack."

I would've said that, but I know she was talking about the homeschooling work she gave me yesterday. "It's not finished. I had a really stressful day yesterday. Sorry, mom."

"You're not sorry." She rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"You know it." I winked and ran out of the door.

The smile on my face immediately dropped when I saw Jamie waiting in front of my house.

I have to deal with him this early in the morning?

"Fuck off, will you?" I growled as I approached him.

He completely ignored my comment. "Brynlee, I am so, so sorry about yesterday. I wasn't thinking and I immediately regretted it when I said "I know". Please forgive me?"

"Tell me what you know and maybe there'll be a chance." I growled, not even looking him in the eyes. I just strared right though him and I could tell he was hurt. I don't like hurting people. It makes me feel guilty, merciless, violent. But the world is cruel. It's hurt or be hurt.

But I was already hurt. I was punched in the gut by life ever since I was eight when my parents dropped me off at an orphanage and then walked off the top of a building without a care in the world of how people would react. I have the right to swing a few punches myself now. I've practiced too.

I'm holding those back until when it counts though.

"I... I can't tell you that." Jamie frowned as he quickly followed behind me.

"And why is that? If you know, then I probably know too." I growled, walking faster just to try and get away.

"Because it would cause more questions."

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