Entry 5: That's New

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"That Brandon guy groped me today. I was so close to slapping him but the stupid boy did it right in front of a Mr. Malco, our principle for this school. Mr. Malco literally grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to the office. I just felt like being immature, so I stuck my tongue out at him while he was being taken away. He growled at that.

Why do I feel like that's going to bite me back in the ass?"

I flipped to the next page of Brynnlee's Diary #1. The gossip and drama that she had to go through were almost incredible. Sometime's I found myself staying up until 2 in the morning to read because they were all so interesting. The way she writes about everything, it's like I can feel the way she's feeling. 

From what I've picked up, Brynn started writing these since the first day of freshman year and has been writing since! Including summers, I'm guessing, since there are 5 books instead of 4. Book number 5 is the journal she's writing in this year, so I'm doing my best not to touch that one until I'm all caught up. Is she writing about me? 

I flipped to the next page.

"I called it! I don't know what the hell he was trying to do, but Brandon approached me after school. It wasn't even subtle though. He just started charging at me and I kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach out of self- defense."


"He just fell to the ground and I think I saw a few tears. I was so tempted to go to him and ask if he was okay, but where would that get me? He won't change. He just charged at me for no reason and I shouldn't apologize for being threatened."

I nodded at the book even though I looked stupid doing so. All of the sudden, an obnoxious beeping interrupted my reading session and I looked at my phone, in confusion. My alarm goes off at 6:30, why's it acting up now? I picked up the phone and the time on the screen immediately processed in my mind.

6:31 AM

Did I stay up the entire night reading? I'm not even that tired. I sat up on the bed and it felt like sleep just punched me in the face, because I immediately wanted to lay back down and pass out. 

I forced my self up from the bed and shoved the book under my mattress and walked to my closet, grabbing a proper shirt to replace the baggy oversized t-shirt I used while sleeping. I changed quickly and sighed. Why am I so desperate to learn everything about her? What did she do that was so special? If anything, I need to avoid her in case I ever get on her bad side. That could lead to disaster.

I changed my pants and grabbed my backpack, forcing my tired self down the stairs and in front of the freezer to grab the Eggo waffles. I took one out of the box, taking a bite of a frozen one. A small high-pitched groan pulled my attention to Sarah, my 12-year-old sister. "Hey, Munchkin, what're you doing up this early?"

"I couldn't sleep." She yawned, wiping her eyes, which caused me to yawn too. 

"Yeah, me neither. Want a waffle?" She nodded as she sat down on the seats in front of the small table in the middle of our kitchen. "Hot or cold?"

"Cold." She stated, trying to open her eyes. I got out another waffle and handed it to her, putting the box back in the freezer, and sat across from her. We ate in silence until she spoke again. "So what kept you from sleeping?" 

"A very interesting book," I said easily. Sarah may be curious, but I know she didn't care what book I was reading, so I didn't bother telling her.

"You? Reading? That's new." She asked in shock with a sly grin on her face as she took another bite of her frozen waffle. "Must've been a comic book."

"Ouch, Sarah. You expect to get a man with comments like those?" I held my hand to my heart to feign hurt. She rolled her eyes. "I could care less about boys. I already know that middle school drama is crap. I'm waiting until high school." She gave a big grin and I was actually proud of her for having that self- control. I chuckled and brought my hand to ruffle her hair before standing up. 

"Go ahead and watch TV while everyone's asleep. But put the volume on low. You know how grumpy Emily gets when she's woken up earlier than her alarm." Sarah nodded in response, smoothing out her hair. I slipped on my sneakers and headed for the door. "Have fun at school." I heard her call from behind me. I turned my head towards her and winked. "You know I won't," I grinned as I walked out the door. I looked at Brynnlee's house to see her walking out as well, so I quickened my pace and hurried next to her.


"Can I switch schedules?" I asked nervously as I sat on the small couch in front of our guidance counselor, Mr. Schnap. He looked at me suspiciously even though I really wasn't trying anything with him. I honestly just wanted to get out of Creative Writing. The teacher played favorites and sadly, I was her least. And she definitely showed it. 

Mr. Schnap eyed me up and down before sighing and laying back. "What do you want to change? If you're trying to get out of any core classes then I can't help you."

"N-no, that's not it. I just want to get out of Miss Simon's class." I stated and Mr. Schnap nodded. "Understandable." He mumbled. "Okay, I'll see what I can do. What's your name?"

"Jamie Anderson."

Mr. Schnap typed something on his keyboard and glared at the screen as if it would help him see better. He let out a huff with a smile. "Well, aren't you lucky? The only replacement I can get for you in 5th period is a free period."

"I've never heard of that. What is it?" 

"It's what it sounds like. You just hang out at the media center and do nothing. You can talk to friends in that period, do missing assignments, homework, read, eat lunch early. So you'll basically just chill and go to B Lunch after that."

I nodded, satisfied. "I'll gladly take that." Mr. Schnap nodded too and clicked a few more things on his keyboard and moves his hand to his mouse. Before I knew it, there was an obnoxious whirring noise and I looked over to his printer, a paper slowly dispensing from the machine. There was an awkward silence in the office as we waited for the paper to get fully inked. Mr. Schnap seemed uncomfortable too because when the paper was ready, he grabbed it quickly and held it in my direction as fast as he could. I took the paper and nodded as a thank you as I walked out of the door.

The bell for fifth- period rang and students rushed out to get to their classes. I sighed in relief now that it was official that I would never see Miss Simon's face again. I calmly walked to the media center as kids ran past me. 

I got to the building and opened the door and the first thing that caught my eye was Brynnlee studying one of the economics/government exam books on the small couch in front of the check- out counter. She took notes in a small notebook in her hand and I could already imagine her clean, neat handwriting that printed onto the paper with her pen. She looked up and we made eye contact. 

I gave a shy smile and she gave me a confused look before shrugging and waving me over with a small smile.

Author's Note

Oof, I ship them. A lot. And it's not a dirty and wrong-in-every-way ship. 

I need a better cover so it attracts more readers, maybe I'll edit a new one soon. I actually am really proud of this book, not that I'm not with NSCK, but I think this deserves more views. *sigh* It'll get up there someday.

To the people who are reading, thank you very much for your presence and I hope you stay to the end.

Well, thanks for reading! New chapter coming soon!

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