Entry 4: Homework

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You're probably wondering what happened to my parents. Foreshadowing is probably the most torturous kind of writing there is, so I'll just tell you.

They jumped off a building. Depressing, I know, but everyone has some kind of dramatic family issues.

When I was 8, my parents dropped me off at an orphanage and just, poof... gone just like that.

I couldn't help but be a little angry at them. Leaving without thinking about others. They just left everyone without explanation. They left me without explanation.

I never cried about it until I was... 10? I think I was just left in shock for two years, and then one night, everything hit me and I couldn't stop crying for months.

But that's mainly why I'm scared of heights. I don't want to be reminded of them. I don't want to be tempted to try what they did.

Heights and my parents seem to be my only weakness when it comes to crying. Well, from what I've experienced. I've never gotten punched or had physical pain... yet. I guess people find me too intimidating.

It was Friday afternoon and I was sitting at my desk to finish up my mom's homework. I finished all of my school homework during 7th period. It was my free period. It was super easy though so I still had an hour left by the time I finished.

Jamie hadn't bothered me for the entire day, he seemed distracted by something the whole time. Except at lunch. He sat with us again and nobody mentioned the secret he was hiding. It felt like it never existed.

But now he's back.

Tap. Tap, tap.

This was beginning to become a routine and I wasn't having it.

Tap, tap.

I ran my fingers through my hair and scrunch balls of dirty blonde strands in my palms. I groaned in annoyance as the pebbles continued to obnoxiously clank on my window.

I pushed my chair away from my desk and opened the blinds to see Jamie dangerously leaning out of his window, holding a handful of pebbles. I gave him the middle finger and he smirked, tossing another pebble.

I sighed and figured to get it over with. I was about to open the window before I saw him positioning himself to leap through. "Wait." I scolded, aware that he couldn't hear me, but he could read my lips. He backed away slightly and I opened the window and leaned out. "Jamie, you can't be doing this every day. I'm busy sometimes. Like right now."

"Oh yeah? What could you be doing that's so important?" He raised an eyebrow and his green and blue eye seemed to glow from my room light.


"That stuff is easy peasy. Especially for you." He scoffed and I was getting a bit more ticked off.

"I finished my school homework in 7th period. I'm doing my homeschool homework." I said with a stone face. "You saw it while snooping through my room, didn't you?"

He opened his mouth to retort but remained speechless. I sighed and stepped away from the open window, walking back to my desk. I heard more rustling outside the window before Jamie leaped through and landed cleanly with a summersault. He stood up and practically jumped onto my bed. The smaller teddy bears I had on it bounced up and fell back onto the bed. Everything seemed quiet for a few minutes as I continued my homework. 

"Why do you have seventeen bears in your room? Doesn't it get crowded? And isn't one good enough?"

"Each one of those bears was each given to me by an ex of mine," I said casually.

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