Day 4

134 11 6

~Markimoo and Jackipoo~

Jackipoo: MARK!!


Jackipoo: Hi

Markimoo: ...

Jackipoo: How are u doing?

Markimoo: Are you kidding with me?

Jackipoo: huh?

Markimoo: You scared me!

Jackipoo: Sorry

Markimoo: Ugh it's okay...but don't do it again...ever

Jackipoo: okie

Markimoo: So what are you doing?

Jackpoo: Nothing. U?

Markimoo: I'm in a taxi, going to watch a movie.

Jackipoo: All by yourself?

Markimoo: Yes...*sniff* ALL BY MYSEEEELLLFFF

Jackipoo: sad

Markimoo: ikr

Jackipoo: I didn't really want anything....I'm just bored

Markimoo: Oh okay.

Jackipoo: Have you tried overwatch?

Markimoo: No, why?

Jackipoo: Nvm

Markimoo: Okay.....

Jackipoo: *awkward silence*

Markimoo: Don't worry my lil Irish potato, it's not THAT awkward

Jackipoo: I'm not yours..

Markimoo: *gasp* how dare you?

Jackipoo: *runs away* I'M OUT!

Markimoo: And there he goes..

Jackipoo: Hehe

Markimoo: Sorry?

Jackipoo: Not enough

Markimoo: I'm sorry and I'll never call you my lil Irish potato again?

Jackipoo: Oke that's better

Markimoo: Yay

Jackipoo: So what movie are you going to watch?

Markimoo: Beauty and the beast

Jackipoo: Oke

Markimoo: And I'm obviously the beauty

Jackipoo: *cough* ego boost *cough*

Markimoo: I am best, I am best, yes I am, yes I am, I am very best, I am very best, yes I am, yes I am

Jackipoo: Is that your morning routine?

Markimoo: Well of course!!

Jackipoo: Okaaay....

Markimoo: Gtg, bye Jack

Jackipoo: Bye

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