Day 6

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~Jackipoo and Markimoo~

Markimoo: Hey sir?

Jackipoo: Please don't call me "sir"

Markimoo: I'm sorry sir, what?

Jackipoo: -.-

Markimoo: Are u trusting me yet?

Jackipoo: What? No

Markimoo: Well it's almost been a week now

Jackipoo: Okay?

Markimoo: I want to get to know uuuu

Jackipoo: Uh stalker, huh?

Markimoo: *cough* what do u mean?

Jackipoo: *gives up on life*

Markimoo: Noooo don't!

Jackipoo: Yeah whatever

Markimoo: So, I have a question for ya

Jackipoo: ok

Markimoo: What are your passion in life?

Jackipoo: My passion?

Markimoo: Yeah

Jackipoo: I don't really have one

Markimoo: Really?

Jackipoo: Yeah

Markimoo: You must have something! Okay, let me ask the question again. What are making you feel like life's worth living?

Jackipoo: Eh...I dunno...

Markimoo: U want me to answer the question first?

Jackipoo: Sure

Markimoo: I love to create. Creating a own world, and knowing that anything's possible. I do art, and I'm currently working on a own mini world, I have a whole room for it. There's little houses where little people live. And the amazing thing is, I get to create everyone's story. Because people always has a story. Some are good and some are bad. But it'll always be good in the end.

Jackipoo: Wow, that's so cool! I'd love to see it one day

Markimoo: So you mean you'll come see me?!?

Jackipoo: Probably some day, yeah


Jackipoo: Woah easy there

Markimoo: So now it's ur turn to answer the question

Jackipoo: Sorry, I have to go. But I'll talk to u later, ok?

Markimoo: Bye


First a/n in this book, but I just wanted to inform u that I'll start to name the chapters what day it is and I'll change the older chapters to that as well. Also sorry I didn't get a chapter up yesterday, but I got it today instead and there will be one tomorrow as planned.

Love ya<33

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