Day 11

117 11 16

(A/n: My neighbor is playing really loud music, as usual, and it sounds like he's listening to opera o.o earlier today it sounded like kids music...what is life?)

~Markimoo and Jackipoo~

Jackipoo: hi

Markimoo: Hi Jack what's up?

Jackipoo: I just really need to talk to someone

Markimoo: Well I'm here

Jackipoo: I know...that's why I texted you. You're kind of my only friend

Markimoo: Really?

Jackipoo: Yeah.

Markimoo: So what's the matter Jack?

Jackipoo: I don't trust myself anymore

Markimoo: Why?

Jackipoo: My thoughts are getting louder and worse

Markimoo: What thoughts?

Jackipoo: They're voices...telling me to do bad stuff


Jackipoo: They're telling me that you don't really care, that nobody really cares

Markimoo: Jack...

Jackipoo: I'm a freak, a fuck up

Markimoo: Jack no you're not

Jackipoo: I ruin everything, it's my fault that my girlfriend broke up with me

Markimoo: Jack I'm so sorry

Jackipoo: I ruined everything. She's right to hate me

Markimoo: It's not your fault Jack

Jackipoo: She was right, I'm an attention seeker

Markimoo: Why would she say that?

Jackipoo: Because I talked about my depression. I told people about my problems, and I wanted attention. Maybe I just made everything up? I don't know!

Markimoo: Oh my god Jack no, it's not your fault if you feel bad (Hug count: 3)

Jackipoo: But what if I really made everything up? But I made it seem so real

Markimoo: I'm sure you didn't

Jackipoo: And now I'm being an attention seeker again, telling you about my problem and making you feel bad for me

Markimoo: No Jack, it's fine.

Jackipoo: No it's not, I always ruin everything

Markimoo: No Jack you don't!

Markimoo: Jack?

Markimoo: Jack come back

Markimoo: Please don't do anything stupid!!

Markimoo: Please Jack!

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