Light a blunt. All day long you'll have good luck.

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I can't believe I'm still here. You know I thought I would find the will to go home but I'm still at the library reading a book...
Maybe there is something wrong with me.

I mean shouldn't I be "out", you know... going to parties and all that jazz... Nah, I'm all good.

Hey I'm Reece Bandz, I'm 17 and I smoke weed sometimes... I guess you guys didn't need to know that but this is an introduction right. I mean I know I'm at peace with myself and I love everything about me, who has time not to love themselves right?

"Reece..." Mrs. Milay says, "I need to lock up." She says with a smile.

"Oh right! I'm so sorry I've kept you." I say apologetically.

I start gathering all the books I've chosen to take home and read, most of the books fit into my bag except one so I decided to carry that one,

"Oh no! It's really alright kid. I don't mind staying here late night."

"You got have to get back to Mr. Milay." I said with a smile on my face.

She blushed and replied, "Get outta here with that."

I laughed, "See you next week Milaaayy!"

"Bye girl."

I left the library and started walking to the train station. Most people don't like taking the train but I do... just something about trains get me happy, I don't know what it is... I'm weird.

As I stepped into the train I was shoved and my book fell to the floor, I looked up and glared at the boy that shoved me and he didn't even look sorry about what he did. I picked up my book and looked him straight in the eye,

"Can you please watch yourself next time."

His dark eyes looked at me like I was mentally ill... he was was very good looking, with his curly hair and scar above/ partly on his lip and a sharp jaw but I don't know who he thinks he is shoving me like it's his day job.

He just rolled his eyes, "Maybe you shouldn't be so clumsy, so no thanks."

I don't like him.

Well someone's radiating negativity.

Can you blame me? This guy is being so rude.

"Last time I checked you were stumbling all over the place, so I'll repeat: Watch yourself next time. Thanks."

He looked at me in disbelief and I walked away from him.

Damn... I need a blunt.

I don't need you.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora