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It's always amazing how Vanessa manages to get me to divulge any information that I have. Makes me wonder if she's an undercover detective or something...

I basically just told her everything that happened on the train and she's freaking out for some reason. It wasn't my wedding day but with how  dramatic her reaction was you would've assumed it was. She also ordered the pizza which was on its way,

"Oh my Gosh."

"Really Ness, it isn't that important. He was just rude... with his black eyes trying to analyse me as if I'm the the with the problem." I said while rolling my eyes,

"It seems way more than that Reecey but okay," she said with a sly smile on her face, there was a knock on the door.

"The pizza's here!!!" She exclaimed excitedly, I laugh at her silliness.

She runs quickly toward the door quickly, I return my attention back to the television.

"Hey! Reecey... I kinda forgot that I left my purse at home," she comes back. Looking embarrassed and guilty, I want to laugh at her expression but I don't. That would just make her mad,

"It's okay Ness, I'll go pay for it. No big deal." I say with a smile and run towards the door, she shoots me a grateful look.

No one wants to eat cold pizza.

I arrive at my already open door, ready to pay the pizza man, I look up and find a pair of black, soulless eyes.

Thinking about someone else just takes too much out of one's mind... your conscious, your everything. It takes everything.

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