Chapter One

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*Disclaimer: Still don't own Harry Potter. Saving up my money, so far I have TWO WHOLE DOLLARS! Okay, but seriously. Just read the story.

At that orphanage, I was teased and ridiculed. The other children told me to give up. That no doubt she was dead. I hated them, and not just for that reason. On my ninth birthday, one of the caretakers took me aside. She told me that I had a twin brother. He died about two minutes after birth. I tortured those children because they could've been the ones that had died.  Not my brother. I often stayed up at nights, wondering what his name would've been. Wondering what would've happened if he had survived. Wondering what would've happened if my mother simply took her two babies home, instead of leaving at the orphanage. I wondered if I might have a sister somewhere out there.  When professor Dumbledore came by the orphanage  two years later, I was elated. I was going to get closer to my mother's world. I didn't know the entire wizarding world would know me as Lord Voldemort. I didn't know anything. All I knew was that mother would me so proud. 

Sorry for the short chapter! Please comment if I made any mistakes. Constructive criticism is welcome, but please no rude comments! Next chapter is Riddle's Hogwarts days.  

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