Chapter 6

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Hello, witches, wizards, and squibs! Just in case you haven't noticed, I still don't own Harry Potter. (Shocker.) Enjoy! (The story is starting to get JUICY. ) Also, just a disclaimer,  there is a TINY bit of language. It's all a part of the story!

                  The news broke out relatively quickly. I suppose the blood-curdling scream from the first year that came across her body was enough.

Damn it, I told you to dispose of her!

I apologise, master, but I don't enjoy the taste of stuck-up mudbloods. They're a bit too chewy for my taste.

The students in the great hall were all silent, which had never happened once in the history of teenagers. I applauded myself on this small feat.

Professor Dumbledore, our transfiguration professor, was first to his feet, closely followed by Headmaster Dippet. For a split second, Dumbledore's blue eyes met mine, and I had the sensation of being x-rayed. They ran out of the great hall to investigate the wails of the small girl.

I felt regret for a moment, but I came to my senses shortly. Why would I feel bad for her? She deserved it. No one liked her, anyway.

Guilt. Remorse. Sorrow. I felt those that day, but I could never turn back. I had chosen my path, and there was nothing more that I could do. I was nothing but a killer.


Dumbledore and Dippet came back with somber faces. They walked to the Gryffindor table and left with Minerva in tow. Her face was pale. It was in that moment when I felt the most remorse. I had never meant to hurt her. She was brilliant. She's the smartest witch of our age, and her hair is long and dark and delicate. She's always so strong.

"Oi, Tom," said a first year, Brutus. "You're doing it again, lover boy."

"Shut up, idiot," I muttered. I was not in love. Love is pitiful, weak, and a sorry excuse for an emotion.

I ruined my life with those opinions.


They came back once again. Minerva's face was paler than ever, and a bit tear-streaked, but she stood tall and walked with poise and confidence. She sat down, silent, her back was straight and tall.

Dumbledore sat down in his seat, and Dippet stood at the podium in the front of the hall. The hall once again grew silent.

"Students," said Dippet. "There has been a terrible tragedy. Miss Myrtle Warren of Gryffindor house was found dead this morning."

Murmurs erupted throughout the hall. Dippet held up a hand to silence them.

"Miss Alexandra Smith of Hufflepuff was found petrified two feet away. Your parents or gaurdians have been notified, amd classes are cancelled until further notice. Prefects, please escort your houses to the dormitories. That will be all."

The great hall was a madhouse. I tried frantically to get my house in line, but it was to no avail. I sighed and watched as a clump of tiny first years scampered to the dungeons.

Go back to the Chamber, you'll be seen. I'll bring you food in a few hours.

The basilisk slithered off without a word.

So,  it was a bit longer than usual, but hey, there was a lot to be said. Comment what you thought, and tell me if I made a mistake!  Constructive criticism is welcome, just don't be rude. Sorry it's been so long!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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