Chapter 5

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Ok. Wow. I have commitment issues. That's wonderful. Anyway, I don't own Harry Potter, Blah Blah Blah.

Myrtle, the mudblood little beast, has no chance. As I walked through the Great Hall the next day, I could hear my basilisk growing anxious.

"My master...Is it time? "

"You imbecile! I told you never to speak during classes! Besides, we must wait until the pathetic girl is alone."

The creature hissed with frustration and fell silent. The rest of the day went without any disturbance, and I was certainly as anxious as the basilisk, even if I didn't show it. I walked into the Great Hall, but I didn't see Myrtle.

"Oi! Idiot,"  I said. "Find the girl. She's yours. "

The reptile slithered slowly up the pipes, and didn't have to wait for long. The girl was in the bathroom, crying her eyes out over the latest gossip. She looked up and screamed. When she looked into the basilisk's eyes, that was the end of it.

"It is finished. "

I said nothing. I only grinned a mischevious grin. My joy was short-lived, however, because young Hagrid had wandered over to the Slytherin table.
"H-how are you," he asked, not making eye contact.

I gave him a deadly glare and he sauntered off, looking miserable and desperate.

That's the end of Chapter 5! I'm lazy and don't proofread, so please point out any mistakes. You'll get to see chaos unfold in the next chapter, my darling readers!

RiddleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon