Chapter 2

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*Disclaimer:  So sorry it's been so long since an update! Harry Potter still belongs to the lovely J.K. Rowling (bummer). Yes, I'm still sitting in a pillow fort filled with Harry Potter merchandise, how considerate of you to ask.  Also, Minerva McGonagall is in this chapter. The timing isn't quite right, but for the purpose of the story, we're just going to pretend that she's in the same year as Tom, alright? Alright. Read.

When I was sorted into Slytherin, I must say, I wasn't surprised. It by far sounded like the best house to me. I didn't really have any friends. Sure I talked to people in my house sometimes, but things never really clicked. That is, until third year. When the sorting ceremony came that year, everyone's eyes were drawn to one person. He was incredibly large, and obviously not at full size. He was taller than Dumbledore, and nearly as wide as two of me. His name was Rubeus Hagrid. When his name was called, he put on the hat, which was much too small, and waited for it to call his house. It took almost a full minute, but it finally called out, "GRYFFINDOR!" Young Hagrid ran off to his table with the hat still on his head, and had to go back, red in the face, to give it to the next student. We met officially in the library. it was nearly time for our Christmas holiday. He was sitting at a table, nearly hidden behind a massive pile of books, which were all about the Acromantula. I walked up to him. "Like spiders, do you?" I asked, smirking. Hagrid jumped, which consequently knocked over the table and sent books flying everywhere (some of them literally flying, some just running). The Hogwarts librarian, Madam Pince, glared at him rather fiercely.  Once Hagrid had set the table upright and scuttled after all of his books, he came back to me and said, " Very much so, yes, but I'd honestly rather have a dragon." "A dragon?" "Of course! I think they're amazing!" And just like that, we were off. We talked about all sorts of things, from dragons to quidditch. We had a lot in common. He became my best friend, and remained so until my fifth year. Early that year, we had decided to walk around the Forbidden Forest, because Hagrid was desperate to see a unicorn. We were supposed to meet at the portrait of the Fat Lady. Hagrid was outside, talking with a group of his fellow Gryffindors. I thought it normal at first. Probably talking about quidditch or something stupid like that, as Gryffindors normally do. However, I soon realized just how wrong I was. "I'm Tom Riddle, and I think I'm super smart!" "I'm Tom Riddle, and I think being a Prefect is so cool!" The most hurtful of all of them was delivered by Hagrid himself. "I'm Tom Riddle, and I think I have friends!" The Gryffindors all cracked up. A stray tear fell down my face as I slunk down the wall, still unnoticed by the Gryffindors. You wouldn't believe who finally came out to stop it all. "All of you grow up! Honestly, you're so stupid. You should really be studying," said a young Minerva McGonagall as she climbed out of the portrait hole.  Her long, dark hair was trailing behind her. "Come on, Minerva! You're so annoying," complained one of them. "It's not right for you to make fun of the poor boy like that! You need to stop this minute!" "Oi! Did you hear that?" One of the more obnoxious boys said. "Minerva likes Tom!" Minerva suddenly got rather red in the face. "Shut up!" She screamed. "You all had better get in the damned common room before I go straight to Professor Dippet!"  They all said "Yes, ma'am!" before rushing into the portrait hole. Minerva still steaming, began walking down the hall. I still happened to be in that hall. I tried to slink away, but then she started running straight towards me. "Tom, wait!" I wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear. She was getting closer. I didn't like people getting close to me. Soon, she had grabbed my wrist and spun me around. Our faces were much too close for my liking. "I'm so sorry, Tom," she whispered, and then the unthinkable happened. She kissed me. I seemed too short. Before I knew it, she had run off into her common room, and I was left dazed in the hall. Once I had regained my composure and realized what had just happened, a grin spread across my face. I started running down the hall, towards the staircase. Once I got down to the dungeons, I was in a full out sprint. I got into the common room and got several glares for being cheerful. I didn't care one bit. I had just been kissed by the most beautiful girl in the entire world.

Well, there you go. So sorry again for the long wait. Things are going to get heated in the next chapter. It gets real dark real fast. Thanks for reading! Too lazy to proofread, let me know if I missed anything! Constructive criticism is welcome, but please don't be rude!

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