Note ~ Chapter Seventeen Mystery POV

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I'm walking down the street and I reach a television store. I go inside, just to see what they have. The news comes on and Jerry, the broadcasting guy says, "There has been an accident at 1:38 pm involving the famous Victor Nikiforov in Russia yesterday." I rush out of the store, with tears in my eyes. I hail a taxi and get in. I tell the driver the name of the hospital we all used to go to. He speeds there and I pay him an extra $20 for the speeding. I run into the hospital. I go up to the front desk and ask while stuttering, "Whe-Where's V-Victor Nik-Nikiforov, please?" She looks down at her paper while I'm holding in all my sobs. She sighs, "He's in surgery right now sir. He'll be out of surgery in an hour, please wait in the waiting room. Sorry for the inconvenience." I sigh and look at the time. Tears fall down to the ground as I walk to the waiting room. He could be dead, and its all my fault. I never should've left.

After about 5 minutes of waiting, I go to get something to eat. I'm starving, I take out my wallet from my right, butt pocket and walk out the doors of the hospital. I go across the street and order a salad. I eat it, 20 minutes until Victor gets out of surgery... I run back to the hospital, 15 minutes left of Victor's surgery. I write a quick note, and forget to sign the bottom. I read over it a few times.

Five minutes left...

Victor's surgery is finally over and I can go see him. I rush to the desk where the visitor service desk is. I ring a bell and the same woman from earlier comes into view. She smiles widely, "Hello, how may I be of service to you, sir?" I smile back at her, "Uhm, hello, here to see... Mr. Nikiforov." She looks at her papers like earlier and smiles, "Oh, Mr. Nikiforov... Let's see... Uhm, he was done with his surgery a few minutes ago, he's won't be up for a while but you can visit him. The room he's in is 696." I smile at her and reply, "Thank you ma'am." I then run down to the elevator where I press the button that says floor 6. I wait, impatiently as more people huddle into the elevator. They press their buttons and the elevator rises. The elevator dings, floor 2. Someone gets off. The elevator starts up again and it stopped at floor 3. Another person gets on, dry tears on their cheeks. I smile at them and they play along, with a fake smile before muttering under their breath. Floor 4, ding. No one gets on or off. Floor 5, someone gets off and two others arrive.

Floor 6, the elevator door opens. I hesitate to step out, but then run down the hallway. 616... 624... 631... I speed up a bit. 644... 663.. 686... 696... I look through the window of his hospital room, then slowly open the door. Tears form in my eyes seeing victor with a neck brace and a huge gash in his stomach. My legs get weak and I am suddenly on my knees, crying into my hands. I take out the note, some tears dropping onto it and then I place it on the table next to his bed. I take his hand it kiss it... I'm so sorry Victor, I never should've left... It was such a mistake and now you're in the hospital because of me. I'm so... So sorry... I look at him, tears still leaking out of my eyes. "I love you Victor..." I left the room with tears still brimming the corner of my eyes.

I look at the time and its 2:08 pm. I sigh and look back down the hallway a nurse brushes past me. I look at her, she's going into Victor's room, smiling... I walk behind her, keeping my distance. I look inside, past her. Victor's... Awake..? But he we just sleeping. That's so weird, what a coincidence. I walk in, he has the note in his hand, tears falling own his face. He doesn't notice me until he wipes the tears from his eyes. He drops the note and sits up, I stop him. "Yuri? I missed you so much... I'm so sorry for everything and I promise the baby won't get in the way," the nurse exits the room, "I'll do whatever I can as-" "Shhh...." I put my finger to his lips and run it down his hospital gown, his bulge now evident. He blushes and then kisses me passionately. I just noticed how much I miss him. I put my right hand on the back of his head and pull him into the kiss even more. How did I ever think I could live without him... My life, this love of my life. I left him because of Yurio... Wait... Where's Yurio?

I back out of the kiss slowly and then look around the room. Victor sighs loudly and says, "Yurio... He... Ran away, without any supplies or way to contact him, he didn't even leave a note... I'm sorry Yuri."

Authors note

Plot twist!! Yay, how do you guys like the story? Comment, vote, etc. Thanks for the reads. Also, what gender should the baby be?

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