Chapter 1

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I have never felt like I belonged in Amity. For as long as I can remember, I have felt out of place. Like the odd man out. Everyone was polite, cheerful, helpful. I'm not like that.
Sure, I'm helpful, but their cheerfulness honestly annoys me. They're so innocent, if we were ever attacked, they are the people that would need protection. And notice I say they. Not we - I don't belong there. I'm the type to protect, to fight, to put it all on the line, to take risks. That's not Amity.
My test results did not surprise me. However, I knew they would surprise my family. My mom, dad, sister. My older sister is just like my parents, she was born Amity and stayed Amity. My mom is pure Amity and my father was an Amity transfer, but he wouldn't tell us where from. He belongs here, though. Amity are cowardice.
So when I got my results saying Dauntless, I was anything but surprised. Happy, even.
Sat in an uncomfortable, ugly white/grey dress, between Mom and Father, awaiting my name to be called. These are my last moments with them, which is heartbreaking but bittersweet. I will miss them, badly, and my sister as well. Faction over blood is going to be a hard rule to live by - but I cannot stay simply just to be around them. It will get easier over time. I know where I belong, or, I think I do. I need to follow my gut and start my life. "Ryan Chesley." I hear, distractedly. My eyes don't leave the bowls from where I sit. We're close, I'm nervous. The boy steps up and looks around, looking very unsure. With a small slice to his hand, which he made seem very hard and upsetting, his hand went over the bowl in which I suspected - Amity. Clapping as he exits, my name is next. "Anna Chermont." I stand, hugging both my parents. Tears brim at my eyes but I force them away. They seem confused. "We love you." Mom speaks as I walk toward the stage. Step after step, carefully getting there. I pick up the knife, my mind racing. Maybe I should just stay. I glance out at them. They'll be okay, they have each other and Sabrina. I slice my palm, not looking at it until I hold it up, and let my blood drop into the Dauntless bowl...

Sounds of clapping echoed around the room, but mostly coming from the Dauntless. A couple made weird chanting sounds as I stepped away from the bowls, walking to give Jeanine a handshake. "Impressive choice." She speaks quietly, no signs of emotion on her face except for a small smile that looked very fake.

I take a seat with the other transfers, beside an Erudite girl that smiles at me.
"You must be the bravest of all of us." She speaks, and I give her a questioned face. Glancing over her features, not wasting my time with her clothes, knowing her faction's ways with it - she's not white but not that dark, probably from mixed parents, with short curly black hair and green eyes. She seems fairly friendly.
"An Amity joining Dauntless, the two are near opposites." I nod.
"I may come from Amity but that's not me."

After the ceremony was finally over, we all got up and followed the other Dauntless members. They walked out first, at a fast pace, leaving no ability for anyone to say goodbye to their families. I waved in the direction I thought my parents were before jogging to keep up. After we exited the building, they began running, which confused me and the girl next to me, who's name i learned was Candice. We ran after them, myself holding my grey dress up to keep from tripping, and watched in horror as they began jumping onto the train moving slowly ahead of us. "Are you serious?!" Candice exclaimed through short ragged breaths, as we struggled to keep up. The adrenaline kicked in and I grabbed onto the side of the train, yanking myself up, and stopped, out of breath. I can't believe I just did that. I realize Candice is right there, the train is speeding up, and can't quite reach. So I grab on as tightly as I can to the inside of the train, and reach out my hand, hoisting her up. She landed on her knees somehow and collapses, completely out of breath. "I owe you one." She musters out.

A short train ride later we are still on the train, not even at a station, and I notice people in the front beginning to jump out. I look out of the train and see they are jumping onto a freaking building. "They want us to jump onto a roof? Are you kidding me?" Some girl in front of us, a Candor from the looks of it, exclaims. There's less and less people left on the train and I decide if we don't jump now we might miss it. "Ready?" I ask Candice. She looks petrified. "Sure." She says, but it comes out as almost a question. I step back further into the train, take a deep breath, and run for the door. At the last second we jump, a gasp escapes my lips, and we land on the roof. I tumble and land on my side, scraping my leg in the process. Candice lands beside me, on her knees, and begins laughing after a minute. "That was so terrifying," she speaks. "Alright listen up!" We hear a deep man's voice call. We stand up and I brush off my dress, hissing as I remove dirt and gravel from my cut. "I'm Four. Welcome to Dauntless." A young looking man announces from his place on the ledge of the roof. We stand in the middle of the group of people, and I try to get a better look at this guy. "What? One through three were taken?" Some girl in front of me speaks. I shake my head slightly, knowing she shouldn't have said that to someone in charge. Four steps down and gets close to her. "What's your name?" He asks through a hard expression. I internally wonder why he calls himself that. That cannot be his real name...
"Christina." She responds confidently.
"Well, Christina, first thing to learn from me. If you wanna survive around here...Keep your mouth shut." He speaks quiet and intimidatingly. This guy is ridiculously attractive but he scares me already. "Someone's gotta go first, who's it gonna be?" Do what first? He points in my direction. "Amity," I gulp and step forward. "What am I doing?" I ask quietly as I stand beside him. "Jump." He speaks. I stare at him, before peeking over the edge. There's nothing but a whole into another roof. "Down there?" I ask through wide eyes. He nods, crossing his arms and waiting for me. I step onto the ledge, scared to death, and look down. "Yeah Amity!" I hear some boy call out, not in an encouraging way but in a mocking way. "Today." I decide that I'm probably killing myself to prove a point but if I don't jump I'll probably be pushed, so I hold onto the bottom of my dress, close my eyes, and lean forward enough that I fall over the side. I keep my eyes closed tightly and a loud gasp escapes my lips, I hold in a scream the best I can. It feels like I'm flying, it's the most satisfying and yet terrifying thing ever. And as I brace myself for impact, thinking I'll be met with hard ground or water, I land safely on something, bouncing right back up after hitting it. My eyes open and look around rapidly, hands grabbing onto the thing I landed in. It's a huge net. I fall to my left and toward the edge of the net. I am met by a pair of gray blue eyes, attached to another hard & intimidating face. This man has two eyebrow piercings and tattoos up his neck. He grabs me by my waist, picking me up with ease and placing me down. "You must have been pushed," He mumbles. "No." I respond quietly. He gives me a look that I cannot decipher and I realize how much taller this man is than me. "Name?" He asks, seemingly annoyed. "Anna." I respond. He continues looking at me for a second, through an expressionless face, then announces, "First jumper, Anna." I stand out of the way when I hear hollering and see a boy land on the net.

I couldn't help but admire the man as the rest of the jumpers came down. He seems very mean, or grumpy, and his tattoos and piercings didn't help. But he was very very attractive, and seemed pretty young for being someone in control. He only looked two years or so older than me.
"Listen up! I'm Eric, one of your leaders." He then tells Dauntless-borns to go with some girl named Lina and for us to follow him. My eyes wander over his muscles and attire as we follow him, but also around the compound we are walking through. We reach our room, which I find highly uncomfortable that I have to share one huge room with 11 other guys and girls. "Get changed." He says as he exits the room, not giving us another look.
I change quickly into the black attire, slipping my pants on underneath my dress, before removing that and covering my stomach and boobs with my dress as I slipped into the tight black tank top, and black jacket. I follow everyone out to the dining area, sticking close to Candice, wondering where we're supposed to sit. People around us are staring, trying to get a look at the new initiates, I assume. I avoid eye contact, and feel out of place. Some people are covered in weird tattoos, others, piercings, or crazy colored hair or other things that make them unique but intimidating. Taking a spot beside Candice and some girl named Tris, I look at the feast in front of me. This is a lot of food, a lot more than I have had in one shot my whole life. I pick at the corn, taking in my surroundings. Four's voice snaps me out of my daze and I glance over to him, wondering what he's saying. "What makes you think you can talk to me?" He asks Tris, an intimidating look covering his face. I gulp, realizing most of the people here are probably this mean and, being sensitive at times, this worries me. Trust remains quiet, til she says "Must be cuz you're so approachable." I cover my mouth and look to my left, avoiding letting Four see my reaction to her snide comment, but hear him mumble "careful", which scares me. "I'd eat up, skinny girl like you are gonna need all the strength you can get for training." A Dauntless born initiate speaks to me from across the table. I have mostly lost my appetite as my mind wandered through what being here could be like and if I should be regretting my choice.
After dinner, we were given a proper but short tour by Four. I knew I'd get lost a handful of times, this place was huge and complicated. Then we were given a little time to wander. I hung around Candice and some guy I forgot the name of in the pit a little, before realizing how tired I was, and attempting to find my way back to the dormitory. After asking quite a few people, I finally reached it, and changed into a pair of sweats and tank top that were left in the room for girls. And after a lot of tossing and turning, eventually, I fell asleep.

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