Chapter 2

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Awoken to the loud clanging of metal, I jump from my sleep and search to find the source of commotion. Four stands in the hall, stopping the commotion at us all now awake. "In the pit, 10 minutes."
Changing is much more uncomfortable now than it was last night, due to people actually being in here. A guy I don't know the name of makes a comment about my legs and I hurry out of the room to the pit to avoid yelling at him or anyone; I'm really not a morning person.
I notice Eric leaning up against a wall, speaking with Four but not looking at him. I stand beside the other initiates and wait for the rest. Two other people hurry in after everyone else and Eric is already in front of the group, a very irritated look on his face. "If you're late again you will lose points before you even have the chance to earn them." Four warns, before going over the point system and how the next 10 weeks are going to consist.
A small groan escapes from my mouth as Four informs us of the brutal plans for training, and I see Eric shoot me a dirty look. I put shift my weight to one side and cross my arms, focusing on Four, irritated.
Unwillingly, my focus is drawn back to Eric. There's something to him. Curiosity, maybe. He seems dangerous, manipulative, cruel. His presence intimidates and scares me, but he's also intriguing, already.
We are paired up to practice "techniques" for fighting. Eric leaves the room and Four demonstrates what we're supposed to do. I am paired up with some girl named Larissa and attempt to mimic Four's actions.
After that, we followed after Four in a jog. Once around the perimeter, 4 miles, which wore me out to the point I nearly threw up. "How long was that?" Some Erudite boy asks. Four shoots him a look, before responding. "Four miles." He responds, unimpressed. The entire group is out of breath, shaking, sweaty. "Follow me, take five, then set up with guns."
We literally got a few sips of water then we're instructed in front of these targets.
Eric hands everyone guns, an uninterested face, barely acknowledging us. He hands me mine, and I quickly sprint away from him and to the target that was assigned to me.
I have no idea how to hold or use a gun, just having it near me scares me, let alone using it. I look to the person on my left and try to copy their stance. Right arm back, supporting the gun and left hand underneath it in the front. I aim down the middle, and wait for Four's "go". I take a deep breath, and take a shot. The gun kicks back into my arm and knocks me off balance a little, scaring me. It hit the wall behind my target. I look to the girl on my left again. She hit the target, but just barely. Four and Eric pace around, correcting people here and there. I really didn't want to be corrected; I want to be good at something, anything. Eric stops behind me as I take another shot, skimming the side of the target. "Your stance is wrong." He moves closer, I can hear and feel his big figure approaching me. I become more anxious and when I turn to glance at him, he is right behind me. "Aim." He speaks. I do as told, and he adjusts the way I'm holding the gun. My fingers tingle where he touches them, my stomach flipping around. He roughly grabs my hips, catching me by surprise, and turns my figure slightly, then kicks apart my feet more. "Now try." He orders. I aim, take a breath, and pull the trigger. It kicks, and I hear the bullet make contact with the target. I see that it hit in the center of the chest. A smile forms and I go to thank him, but he's already walking away.
After the guns, we went to a board. Four explained that this would show who is ranked where, and who will be cut. I, alongside most of the rest, am shocked, angry and terrified to find out we can/will be cut. I find my name on the board and my heart drops. "We rank you every day. So improvement is necessary, and fast; that is, if you want to be Dauntless." Eric speaks with a smug look on his face. It scares me.
Dinner was satisfying. I sat beside my new friends, eating as much food as I could, exhausted from the day that drug on forever. My mind keeps going back to when Eric grabbed my hips. The way he did it.. it turned me on and scared me all at once. I don't know how or why it turned me on; I had noticed how very attractive Eric is, but also scary, and he did it rough. And it scared me a little because it showed he had no problem being rough or violent with the simplest things; I'd hate to see him angry...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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