×how rare and beautiful×

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strike a match
how rare and beautiful

"Meri, are you sure this is okay?" Elsa questioned, staring out the window of the ski lift car. She watched as the forest passed beneath them, the car elevating higher and higher. Small, wooden cabins passed below them, until they reached a certain point where they turned into large suites.

"Of course it is," Merida insisted, setting her ankle on her knee as she sat in one of the seats. "I wouldn't bring you up here if it wasn't. Hiccup assured me it would be fine just for the weekend, and that everything was in perfect conditionー aside from the cell service." She leaned her head back, staring through the sky roof with her curly locks piled up in the hood of her black fur jacket. Stars peeked through the blanket of invisible clouds, that hurled a whirlwind of a blizzard.

The car rocked a bit, "So, what if Anna calls me?" Elsa questioned, turning to face her love. She still remained standing in the car, although it was instructed for passengers to remain seated. What a rebel.

"Elsie, c'mere." Merida sighed, holding out her arms towards the towheaded blonde and setting her combat boot clad foot on the floor. Elsa slightly rolled her eyes and stepped over towards her. She plopped down on Merida's knee and the red head coiled her arms around her. "This lil' trip is for who?"

"And who's us?"

Merida shrugged, "I prefer Merelsa myself, but whatever." Elsa snorted as she continued on, "But this trip is for us and us only. No sisters, no roommates, nothing." She craned her neck to peck Elsa on the cheek.

"I know," Elsa confirmed, "and I wouldn't have it with anyone else, but it's not like I'm not going to worry."
The red-head sneakily kissed her earlobe, "You'll stop worrying after we get to the cabin."

"Merida!" She exclaimed and immediately pushed herself off of her, bursting into a fit of giggles.

Her laugh was so beautiful, so childish and ladylike all at the same time. Every snort that snuffed out of her nose, she'd excuse herself for and eventually start chortling over that. Something Merida always loved about her, one of those cute, tiny things that came along with loving Elsa.

  Once the two reached the final revolving point of the lift, they opened the door and leapt out of the cart. Elsa's high-heel boots nearly caused her to trip and land a nasty fall into the pavement, but she luckily caught her balance after Merida had choked on her own breath for Elsa's safety.
  She had promised to bring her here atop the mountain and back down by Sunday's sunset without a scratch on her.

  With their light backpacks over their shoulders, they spotted a path (that had been lightly covered by the blizzard snow) and followed it towards the suite.

  "Ya know, Hiccup mentioned a sauna or something in this one suite." Merida brought up along the way.

  Elsa turned her head and stared at Mer, as if she had grown an extra head. Her perfectly waxed and plucked eyebrows were knitted. Merida gave her a confused look, "What're you looking at me like that for?"

  "Because I know you're kidding." Elsa replied lowly, lightly smiling. Merida pulled on the straps of her backpack with her thumbs.

  She avoided Elsa's gaze, "So what if I am?" She mumbled.

  "Since when have you been so teasey?" Elsa questioned, pulling up her polar-fur-lined hood to shield her eyes from the sharp snowflakes and bursts of wind.
  "I don't really know, I've been hanging out with that pain in the arse lately andー"

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