×the calm×

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strike a match
the calm
  (track is recommended)

The airport was horrid, the service, the shops and even the security were low-budget excuses. Shuttle planes were all that flew in, so Anna was surprised when Rapunzel said she was taking a single flight over to another continent.

She and her best friend, or current crush, Kristoff, were waiting outside the security gates. There were barely any people around. Then the two beach-lovers, who grew up watching too much Scooby-Doo, exited through the gate. They carried their suitcases behind them, Punzie with two carry-ons and Eugene with the suitcases.

They both wore short, open-to-the sun outfits. They probably couldn't find anything winter-suitable. Rapunzel wore a black sun-dress with a pattern of lily-pads and lilies on the skirt. Eugene although managed to get a light black dress shirt, with black slacks folded at the ankles with dark leather shoes.

Once Rapunzel looked up, her eyes were clearly puffy, but through dried tears she spotted Anna and dashed towards her. The two quickly wrapped their arms around each other.
"Thank you for telling me." She softly spoke into the gingers ear.

"Of course." Anna replied, as the two let go. Anna's own attire was dark, yet she wore a long-sleeve black dress, with swirling grey designs detailing the torso. A heavy winter coat was draped over her, with a hood over her head. Kristoff was simply in a classic satin suit, with a trench coat wrapped around him.

Rapunzel turned her attention to Kristoff, who she quickly embraced. Once Eugene had made his way over, Kristoff held out his hand, but Eugene was already 'man-hugging' him by the time he did. He hugged Anna as well.

"We, we brought you guys coats!" Anna chirped, trying to avert the thought on everyone's minds. She took two trench coats out of a save-the-environment shopping bag, black of course.

Today was it. Today was the funeral.

"Oh, that's so sweet of you." Rapunzel smiled, taking the smaller coat. Eugene took his own and tried it on for size. It was a bit big.

The girl sniffed, "Do you um... Do you have a bathroom here?" She questioned.

Anna nodded, "Over there, right around the corner." She pointed towards where the cafe was, "We have a cab waiting though, he's a bit impatient, so you may have to hurry." Rapunzel nodded, saying a soft 'thank you' before shuffling in that direction.

  Once they were out of earshot, Eugene ran a hand down his face. "She has been crying the entire way here. The flight attendant even asked if she was scared of the flight or thought there was a terrorist or something..." He humorously scoffed, as if that were at all funny.

  "I can't believe we're here, y'know. Like, this actually happened a week and a few days ago." He breathed out, his voice sounding chill.

  Kristoff cleared his throat, "Yeah, I know what you mean."

  Eugene snorted, "No you don't." He furrowed his eyebrows, "Neither of you even talked to Elsa in the past five years and now you're concerned because she's, what, dead? Murdered?"

"Flynn, buddy..." The blonde sighed, his eyes darting towards Anna for a second. Eugene glanced over at her, seeing her looking at the ground with her eyes turning red.

  The brunette shook his head, "I'm sorry, I barely talked to her either..." He bit his lip, "Did her girlfriend call you, Merida? You talk to her at all?"

  "I didn't even know she had a girlfriend..." Anna mumbled, "When she called I just didn't answer because I didn't even know what to say..."

  "I wouldn't either."

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