♢ valka haddock ♢

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strike a match
valka haddock
from - hiccup haddock

02:03 : 24 hour time : phone call started

H: Mom, mom please-- Come on--

N/A: Hey, it's going to be fine, she'll pick up. I'm sure of it.

H: Yeah... Yeah, okay. She has to, though. I can't inform her at any other time like this.
--like Elsa, I can't let this happen. After a week I--

N/A: I know, I know we'll figure it out--


V: Hiccup, you kn--

H: Did they call you?

V: Did who call me? Hon--

H: Did the police call you tonight? Did they call you?

V: No, no they didn't. Why would they call me? What's happened?

H: What about the hospital?

V: No one called me tonight, Hiccup. You need to tell me what's going on.

H: IーDad. I don'tーAstー

N/A: You're okay, just tell her...

V: Is that Astrid? Hon, I don't want you pushing yourself, she can tellー

H: No, no, I can do it myself.

V: Alright, deep breath and tell me what happened with your father.

H: ...It was about two hours ago. I don't, I don't know how it happened. It was at the house. I woke up and heard noises downstairs, like shuffling and hissing. Toothless was flipping out, and I guess he's what woke me up. By the time I had gotten downstairs... There, uh, there was blood on the counters in the kitchen, and when I rounded the corner his body was just... He was just shoved and contorted in the floorboards and I couldn't even recognizeー

H: Oh god. Oh god, mom please don't cry...

V: No, no it's okay. I'm going to be fine. Where are you now?

H: I'm at the resort office. I called the police and they told me to exit the premises. I grabbed some stuff, and Toothless and I headed down here. I couldn't call Jack because he wasn't on the mountain and my flip was out of battery. So, I could only use the resort phone, and I called Astrid. The police said they would call you as soon as possible. So I've closed all the recreation sites down and sent all the employees home. The residents will eventually start filing out... Right now it's just Astrid, Toothless and I down at the office.

V: Alright, alright... Don't worry about the resort, I'll make a few calls and figure things out for you. Just stay there, if they inquire you about anything remember that you can hold off on any questions. Do you have your inhaler with you?

H: Mom, I'm not seven, I don't need my inhaler.

V: Well, okay, I'm just checking. Are you going to call Jack?

H: Yeah, Astrid said she'd let me borrow her phone once I had called you. I only used the resort phone to call you because I remembered your number and wanted to make sure you knew it was me.

V: That's good...

V: What's wrong, bab?

H: I never told him mom. I never told Dad. I never told him.

V: You never told him what?

H: About me and Jack! I never...

V: It's okay, Hiccup. Don't think about what you haven't said.

H: God, I freaking ruined his reputation. I ruined his resort, I ruined his fucking life. I just had to, y'know, be the gay son who never wanted to take over a business and never wanted to do the achievements he wanted but... I was such a fucking burden, to him, mom.

V: If I could slap you now I would.

V: I don't, I don't want you to ever say those words again. You were more than we could have ever hoped for and I understand that you had your own feats, but he wanted the best for you. I'm sorry, that I had to leave but you were the best thing that happened to us.

H: Mom, I'm sorry...

V: Don't regret and don't say you were the one who ruined your relationship. You both were being human, but you have to admit you had your bond with each other, yes?

H: Yeah, you're right, I know.

V: I won't be able to get a flight for a while...

H: Don't worry about it mom, it's fine.

V: You're sure?

H: Yeah, I can handle it as long as you talk to the corporates...

H: This was just like Elsa, mom, I don't know what's happening. The police are going to give up on this case, I know it. The government won't care, our town is too small, they just want our votes and labor.

H: Fucking, damn, I hate this fucking society and reality we live in. I'm obviously going to push them, or do something myself but...

V: Remember, don't get yourself in trouble.

H: Honestly mom, at this point I don't care. I could have gone to college, I could have done anything else with my life but I didn't. So life's already shit for me, and my only job is probably to just carry on the family name and hope my kids do something, like everyone else... But goddamn, if I have to go to jail, or if I'm killed... I want it to be worth something. There is a murderer out there that no one gives a shit about.

V: ...I understand. Just to let you know, though, I will always be proud of you. You dealt with the situation tonight very well, hon.

H: Thanks mom.

V: Alright, well, I'll get to those phone calls right away. Call Jack, then get some rest.

H: Will do... Love you, mom.

V: Love you too, bye bab.

H: Bye...


hope you guys like 80s college horror movies because that's basically what this is. also, phone calls, letters and other media will be in the same category. that's why this says PHONE CALL 02 because it connects to LETTER 01.

what do you guys think? do you think the murderer is a who or a what?

(what a stereotypical author question to ask)

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