×can't even count×

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strike a match
  PART 02
can't even count

Merida let her elbows rest on the wood railing. The mountains looked great from this point of view, aside from the recent disaster that took place upon them. She looked down from the summit bar's balcony, staring at the hundred or so feet down. The poles were endlessly long, until they hit the ground. If someone were to jump off, that's how far they'd fall.

For a young girl who, she'd admit, was on the chubby side at this point it took a lot to get her drunk. She was as sober as ever, as she thought, though she couldn't remember how many shots of Bailey's she'd had. The sweet taste was satisfying, calming almost. She must have been drunk at this point, her head was still on straight but she couldn't remember what came after seven.

A gentle hand rested on her shoulder, she could feel the cold, rough skin of a pinky finger against her neck. "Hey." Jack greeted, hopping up onto the railing and swinging his legs over the side.

"Hey." Merida echoed, glancing up at him. Her fingers left the shot glass for a moment to give a silly excuse of a wave.

"What're you gonna wear?" He lamely questioned, sneaking his hand over. He dipped his fingers into the glass and shyly stole it from her, dragging it over the wooden bar. She didn't seem to notice, but she actually just didn't care.

"What do you mean, what am I gonna wear?" She snorted, "Don't be so blunt."

"I think you know what I'm talking about." Jack simply replied, leaping down from the railing and striding over to a table. He set the glass down and walked back over.

"You and Hiccup have been trying all week to cheer me up, it's really funny. Also, I'm wearing nothing, obviously." The red head rubbed her hands over her face, massaging her temples.

"Ah, nude funeral. Her golden-ass parents should be happy about that." Jack breathed out that last part, setting his elbows on the railing as well. He played with his fingers, "...I bet they own bidets. Rich people own bidets."

"Jack, a bidet is like a common thing in Japan. Maybe England, I wouldn't know, I'd never go to that sissy side. Also, her parents aren't coming." Merida turned around, resting the backs of her elbows on the railing and her butt against the bars that held it to the tavern's deck.

"They aren't?"
"Nope, I'm gonna be there, so why would they come? Her sister supposedly isn't going to be there either." She ran a hand through her hair, eventually tearing it out since it got stuck in the knots.

"Stupid people. Stupid people with bidets. Y'know, I don't even want a bidet for my wedding gift anymore." The zit on Merida's ass spat.

"Yourー" She moved away from the railing, turning to actually face Jack properly. "You actually asked him?"

"No," Jack laughed, "N-no-no-no, I haven't asked himーYet, I mean. I thought about what you said and figured, yeah, sure...life is short." He shrugged, "We've been dating for like 7 years now, since high school. I'm just wondering if all this is going to make him say no." He tapped his fingers along the rail.

"He shouldn't, I mean, he loves you all the same." Merida reassured him. A plastered grin spread across her face, "I'm glad you can give this to him," She started to choke, "Like, I really am." Her fist rested against her lips, her eyes locked downwards once again.

Her hand moved to cover her eyes, "God, I want this to be over."

Arms suddenly wrapped around Jack's torso, shaking breaths drowned in the sleeve of his grey sweater. He froze for a moment, before setting his hand against the back of Merida's head. "You're the strongest girl I know, Meri, you'll get through this."

"Yeah, I know, this is sappy."
"It's called human emotion, it's okay."

Snow began lightly raining down, as if comfort fell from the heavens. Merida snorted in Jack's shoulder, definitely launching a snot rocket for some good measure. The red-head peeked up, able to look over his shoulder and see the mountains. The snow gave the view a light shimmer.

"You're not an asshole Jack." Merida shook her head, "I'm sorry if that hurt you."
Jack snickered, "No, no... I knew you were kidding, it's cool, Mer-bear."

"Oh my god, fuck you." She pushed herself away from him, her eyebrows furrowed and a smile on her face. "I was saying that in case you die tomorrow or something. You just had to sayー"


"Shut up!"

••can't even count••

The sunny, Brazilian cabana home seemed to be polar opposite to what was going on in Jotunheim. Yet the same scene played out, a bar, a railing and a girl. Yet all this she owned, due to her amazing dowry and own financial wealth. Rapunzel looked out onto the ocean view, her cozy tiki house only a few yards away from the shore. Her perfectly tanned skin and recently chopped hair made her look like one of the natives, despise her German roots.

A phone lay in her hands. She may live a luxurious life, but her career was going down hill, along with her day-to-day excitement. Instead of having natural energy, she usually needed a redbull to keep her going. Nothing much went down, rumors scattered that she had even retired once she turned 21 and faced drinking issues.

Not all that was true.

Her long-time boyfriend, Eugene, spent most of his time life-guarding or bar tending, depending on whatever he felt like that day to make money.

Her phone suddenly rang, immediately picking it up she answered, "Olá, isso é corona e fitzherbert detetive extraordinário. Como posso ajudá-lo?" (Hello, this is Corona and Fitzherbert detectives extraordinaire. How may I help you?)

"Umー No Espanyol, amigo?"

"Anna?!" Rapunzel chirped up, "Hey, how are you?" She inquired, interested on how her old school-mate was doing.

"Um, Hi! Yeah, IーI'm okay. Look, I have a case for you to crack, y'know, and some bad news..."

"What do you mean?" Rapunzel questioned, "I mean, I'll definitely take the case! What bad news, though? Is it any of the guys? Merida, Elsa...?"

"It's about Elsa, yes. I need youー"
Jumbled words began to drift through the phone, "Serviceーsorryーdeadーgo."
The line cut.

ah jeez

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