Chapter 9: Unpleasant News and Storm Clouds

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I park my car in my driveway before shutting it off. I let out a sigh and sit in my car for a minute to myself.

It's been a long day at school.

Stupid rumors.

Once I get out of my car, I walk in my house, thankful for the silence I'm greeted with. It means my parents aren't having an argument at the moment. 

After I put my bag down by the door, I walk into my living room and find my mother sitting on the couch, crying. 

"Mom," I say. "Why are you crying? And where was Dad this morning?"

She sniffs and wipes her eyes. She stands up and hugs me, squeezing me tight. "Honey," She begins. "Have a seat."

I look at her skeptically before putting my keys down on the coffee table and doing as she said. "What's going on?" I ask as she sits down on the couch next to me.

I don't like this one bit.

"I want to start by saying that this has nothing to do with you. I love you, so much." She takes a deep breath, clearly trying to hold back tears. "I'm going to stay with your Aunt for a while."

I have to be dreaming.

"What?" I inquire disbelievingly. 

This can't be happening.

"Your father wasn't home this morning because he left for work early after we decided that he and I need a break." She says. She is no longer able to hold back the tears as she takes my hand. "I'm so sorry."

I can't believe this.

I get up and grab my keys off the coffee table. I walk to the front door, but my mother stops me. "Wait! Where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here," I say before opening the door and slamming it shut.

I walk to my car in a daze, wondering why this is happening. I open the car door and get in. I put the key in the ignition and try to start my car, but it stutters a few times before completely dying.

Son of a bitch!

I groan in frustration as I hit my steering wheel with my good hand. I get out of my car, slamming the door as hard as I can. I start walking down the street to clear my head.

After walking for a while, I notice raindrops starting to fall harder and harder until is pouring.

It's like everything is happening one thing after another after another!

As I continue my journey down the street to an unknown destination, I get so cold I begin to shiver. 

The God damn rain is freezing.

And my cast is getting wet.

A familiar car slows down beside me and rolls down its window.

"Hadley? What are you doing walking in the pouring rain?" Aiden's voice asks.

"I-I wanted t-to go for a-a walk." I manage out through my shivers.

Aiden stops his car, but I continue walking. I hear a car door then footsteps running up behind me. I feel something warm drape over my shoulders and notice it's a leather jacket.

Saving HadleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang