Chapter 6: Hospitals and Disappointments

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Hey, guys and gals :) Here's chapter 6! I hope you like it! Please comment and vote!


I hate those irrational fears people will develop after a traumatic experience. 

I hate them because I have them.

One of them being hospitals.

Just thinking about going to a hospital has me panicking and internally screaming.

Ever since I woke up in the hospital bed and my father explained to me what had happened that night and that Alex was.... gone, I've been afraid of hospitals.

I was stuck in a hospital for a month and during that time, and for some time after, I was at my lowest point. I was very depressed. 

Was? You still are.

My mind just associates hospitals with the depressing feeling you gain when you lose a loved one. That feeling you get that feels like all the wind is knocked out of you, wanting nothing more than to just lie down and give up on everything. 

And that one question I kept asking myself: Why did I live? 

So, as one can imagine, I'm silently going ballistic as Aiden drives me to the hospital against my wishes.

I fidget in my seat for the tenth time and bob my leg up and down, clutching my hand while doing so.

"Are you alright?" Aiden glances my way.

 "Yes." I lie.

I'm definitely not okay with this situation.

I fidget in my seat once again.

"Are you sure? Do you need to use the bathroom or something?" Aiden urges me to apprise him as to why I'm so fidgety.

I feel heat rush to my cheeks out of embarrassment. "No, I'm just not a fan of hospitals," I reveal without using my judgment.

Why did I just admit that? He's not supposed to know anything about me!

"Why is that?" He glances at me.

I scowl. "None of your business."

Good, he doesn't need to know anything.

I look out the window, putting an end to the conversation. As I look out the window I try to calm myself down as we get closer to the hospital.

As Aiden pulls into the emergency room parking lot, I grip the bottom of my seat so tight with my good hand that my knuckles are white.

I can't do this.

Aiden parks his car in a parking space and gets out, but I stay in my seat, completely frozen in place. As much as I try to will myself to move, I can't. My body won't heed my mind.

Aiden goes over to my side and opens the door. He bends down, sticking his head slightly in the car. "Are you coming?"

I shake my head in a dismissive indication. "No, I'll just go home and ice my hand."

Aiden gives me a pointed look. "Let me rephrase. Hadley, whatever your middle and last names are, get out of my friggin car right now or I swear to all that is holy I will drag you out, sling you over my shoulder, and carry you into that damn hospital myself."

Just like that, my body makes a connection with my brain and I'm able to move. I glare at him. "You wouldn't dare."

He smirks. "Wanna bet?" He leans further in the car and starts to unbuckle my seatbelt.

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