Chapter 12: The Three Bozos

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"So, how did everything go with your parents?" Aiden asks me as he takes a seat at his desk.

I groan. "Terrible. My dad really was waiting for me behind the door. My mom had already left for my Aunts, but he did enough lecturing for the both of them. Long story short, I was grounded for a month, but once I explained how I felt about the separation, he changed it to a week." 

My father has always had a soft spot for me. Even though he works, we've always had a good relationship. He's a lot more reasonable than my mother. I love my mother, don't get me wrong, but I've always favored my father. My mother and I just aren't as close as him and me.

People say that you can't choose a favorite between your parents. Odds are, one time or another, you have chosen a favorite. Whether it was intentional or not. We all have that parent we prefer to go to for things, for me that's my father.

"I told you it would help your case if you told them why you left," Aiden smirks.

I playfully glare at him, sticking my tongue out. "Whatever."

Aiden smiles at me. "I like this side of you."

The attractive guy said what?

I cock my head to the side. "This side of me?"

"The playful and carefree side of you. This side of you is a lot easier to talk to than the side that pushed people away." He says.

After I got home from Aiden's and my Father was finished lecturing me, I had decided to actually try to be nicer to people. I also decided that I'm going to talk to the three Bozos. Listening to Jake and opening up to Aiden has me missing them like crazy.

So, it's goodbye Hadley the introvert and hello Hadley the extrovert. 

I just hope I don't regret it.

At least, to some degree. I'm not ready to be as sociable as I used to be, but I'm no longer going to ignore people. 

A smile tugs at the ends of my lips. "I like this side of me, too. This is kind of how I used to be two years ago. I've honestly missed this me."

It's true, I have missed this side of myself. Over the past couple of years, I've been a shell of myself, but I'm slowly breaking out of that shell. 

I have a strong inkling that Aiden is to thank for that.

The bell rings and the teacher begins the lesson, making me wish I was back in bed. No matter how much I'm changing, I will always get bored during school.


At lunch, I meet Aiden under the tree we sit under every day. Now that I've stopped telling myself I need to be alone, I enjoy sitting with Aiden.

"Hello, Hadley." He grins.

"Hi," I say. "What's got you smiling?"

Aiden shrugs. "Nothing in particular."

I look at him, clearly showing him I find him to be a weird person. " You're a very strange individual."

"Yeah, he looks weird too." I hear Cory's joking voice.

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