Chapter 21: Waterfalls and Waterworks

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Hey guys and gals!:) Enjoy chapter 22! Comment and vote! And follow me to see when I write more stories!

                                                                                  HADLEY POV

I can not believe this is happening.

After all of this time and everything we've been through, we might lose someone else. Trevor is apart of us, and to lose him would be devastating. I've already suffered the loss of Alex, losing Trevor would tear apart any part of me that was healing.

As I push my legs to run faster toward Trevor, an enormous wave of guilt erupts inside of my chest. I've been so focused on myself and my grief, that I never once noticed how much Trevor needed help. I feel as though I could've prevented this situation. 

I was aware that Trevor had become considerably introverted, but I never confronted him. I knew that he had strong feelings toward Alex, but I didn't try to comfort him. Instead, I focused on myself and pushed him away.

I'm a twat.

My lungs burn as the four of us reach the river, frantically searching for Trevor. Across the river is more forest a few feet from the river bed. Around us is grass and a little brush.  If you go right, you'll find the dock where we used to swim. If you look left, the river bends, making you unable to see down the river.  

"Do you see any sign of him?" Cory breathlessly questions.

"No. We should check the dock." Jake responds. 

While the boy's search, I push my self to keep running left. If I continue this way, it leads to the waterfall. Something is telling me to get to the waterfall.

"Where are you going!" Cory shouts as I quickly leave them behind.

"I told you, there's a waterfall this way!" I shout back. "He could be there!"

"How do you know he's there!" I hear Cory inquire. 

I ignore Cory and keep running. I'm having enough trouble keeping my breath without shouting. My lungs and my legs feel like they're on fire.

Man, I'm out of shape.

Reaching the waterfall, I slow my pace, gasping for air. I inspect my surroundings, looking for Trevor. The river near the fall is rushing, forcefully maneuvering around the large rocks, but once you go back around the bend, it's a calm current. The fall itself is about twelve feet high. It has rocks that you can climb going up the sides, making it tempting for daredevils. However, the boulders at the bottom of the fall are a deterrent for most people. The water's roar is loud, making it futile to yell Trevor's name. 

A hand grabbing my shoulder makes me jump and I let out a squeal. I turn around and find Aiden. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I wasn't going to let you come here alone. We don't know what we're going to find." Aiden grimly states.

I nod as we look around. "The others?" I question.

"Went to the dock." He says. Aiden shields his eyes and looks up towards the falls. "There." Aiden points.

I gaze in the direction he's pointing and find Trevor at the top of the waterfall. "Shit."

 I run to the waterfall, putting my hair up as I run. I grab onto the rocks the best I can with one hand in a cast and hoist myself up, finding a sturdy place for each foot.

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