Continue Chapter 12...

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I stretched my body from right to left. I reached out my hand to phone. It stated there 8PM. I get off of my bed, grabbed my towel and went for shower. I took my cardigan then looked at my beautiful red line on my wrist. It was about to recover.

After i'd done showering, i woke Edward up to have a shower.

"Ed, wake up. It's 8.20pm. have a shower now."

"Mmmm.... Night is it?"

"Duhh! Do you have a towel?"

"Yup, i'll get it."

I went down to the kitchen to prepare a late dinner for us. It's Chicken Salad!

"Mmm what smell is this?"

"Wow! Chicken Salad!"

"Yesyesyes! I knew you love it! Now lets eat."

We help ourselve. I could see that Edward was really concentrating on his food. He didnt even say word to me. I stopped eating for a moment and stared at him.


"Chill. You're eating too fast. Be aware of choking yourself."


"See, i told you alr. You're so greedy."


After eating for late dinner, we watched our favourite cartoon. Spongebob Squarepants!! Suddenly i heard the door bell rang.

"I'll go open the door."

I said to Edward.

I opened door, it's Amanda. She is my second sister. She hadn't been visiting my parent for a long time eversince she married with a high educated guy. Im didnt mean that my family is not high educated bit not until 100%. This guy is 100% high educated. Amand becoming so arrogant. Everytime my mum asked her to come to our house she would said that she was busy. Busy with work -.- Everytime!

"Where is mum and dad?"

"Why are you asking about them?"

"None of your business."

"It is my business."

"I wanna visit them."

"Now then you wanna visit? They're not at home."

"Where did they go?"

"Go find out yourself."

"Can you just straight to the point tell me?"

"No im not gonna tell you. You everything do not know. Whatever is happening in this house you dont know. Mum asked you to visit us but you cant. What was your excuse? You are busy. Busy with work. Work! Work! Work! You didnt even bother to care about us. Do you know what happen to me and Dianne? Do you know what happen to Steven? You dont know right?! You have change! I dont like your attitude! I feel that you are useless! You are-"

"Shut up Qeis! You are too much!"

"No im not! You are the one! But you didnt realize it! You are just too arrogant. I am so disappointed with you."

I shut door. Letting her Amanda alone standing outside the house. I tried to be strong. Holding my tears back. I get back to Edward. I pretend that everything was fine.

"Who is that?"

"Wrong house."

"Then what was the comotion outside?"



I lied to him. But in the end i cried. I cant hold it back. It was too painful. Edward finally found out.

"Baby, why are you crying?"

I immediately hugged him.

"Shhhh dont cry... Tell me what is wrong..."

"Actually(Sob) the person (sob) at the door just now (sob) was my (sob) second sister, Amanda."

"Then what happen?"

"I was so disappointed with her. Eversince she married, her attitude totally change. She haven't been visiting us for a long time. I really want the old Amanda back."

"Okokok... Shhhh dont cry..."

Qeisha Clairey TianaWhere stories live. Discover now