Chapter Four

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It wasn't for another few hours that Kakashi and Yamato returned home.

On their dinner table was laid out a modest spread and a note.


Not feeling very well.

Made some dinner. Already ate. Went back to bed.

No need for concern.

I can come back down to take care of dishes later, just leave them out.

Kakashi was at his door, moving quietly inside, sitting down on the edge of his adopted son's bed.

"Hey," he whispered, a large hand tentatively brushing through sweaty raven hair. Sasuke flinched at the touch. "I'm sorry to bother your rest. I just wanted to let you know that Yamato and I are home now, and wanted to check in on you. How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get you?"

The Uchiha wriggled his face into his pillows murmuring back, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? We can take you into the hospital, get you checked out."

"No. No, really, I'm fine. It's just a headache. It'll pass."

Kakashi's hand massaged gently into the teen's scalp. "At least let me make you some tea. I have some that can really ease tension."

"No, thank you."

The leaf Jonin stared down at his adopted son, desperate for a way to reach him, to help.

"Alright, I'll let you rest then," he replied, barely audible. "Sasuke, I know it's hard... I know I'm not-I can't ever be your father... But, I can try to-I want to try and be family to you as much as I can... You're family to me in my heart... I know you don't think I can understand, and I know I don't understand in the exact same capacity, but, I do know loss... I do understand the-the guilt... I do understand how impossible it seems to let go, to let anyone in... But, I also know it is possible, and that it's worth it. If you're willing to just open a little, we can walk through this together. We can become a-"

"Kakashi please," Sasuke couldn't handle much more, grinding his teeth, silent tears soaking his pillow, hands in tight fists around wadded sheets. "My head hurts..."

"Oh," Kakashi breathed out, resisting the burn inside him to scoop his boy up and cradle him, to encourage him to cry, to hold and comfort him. "Okay... Call for me if you need anything at all. And listen, I'm leaving for a mission early tomorrow morning. Should only be gone two or three days maximum. Yamato will be here with you to look after you, alright?"

The Uchiha nodded, afraid a sob would burst out if he spoke.

"Rest, little one..." Kakashi whispered, standing to leave. "Look after my Tenzo, and look after yourself too. I love you, Sasuke."


"I don't think I can go, Tenzo," Kakashi whispered in their doorway, his lover's hands pulling him in close.

"Hey, it's important for you to go. I hate it, but, if you're here for every moment, it will be easier for Sasuke push you away. Let his heart grow a little fonder in your absence. I'll take care of him, my love"

"Oh, I know you will. If I know anything at all, it's how you can so tenderly take care of those you love."

He pressed their lips together, swooning into his partner.

They broke at the sound footsteps in the hall. A young Uchiha, pajama-clad and bed-headed.

His eyes found the floor.

"I'm sorry..."

Kakashi took a step toward the sleepy teen, reassuring, "Hey, no need to be sorry. Are you alright?"

Sasuke nodded, gaze still on the ground.

"I wanted to wish you well on your mission..." He murmured, adding even quieter, "Um, your mask..."

Cocking his head, Kakashi's mouth parted with realization. He stepped closer into his adopted son, reached a finger under his chin, and pulled his tired eyes up to look on his bare face.

"I don't wear a mask to hide from you, Sasuke. I have nothing to hide from my loved ones."

Impulsively, the Uchiha reached a hand up to hover over his adopted father's cheek, like a toddler reaching forward to brush curious hands over their parent's mouth.

Overwhelmed and awe-stricken, Kakashi gripped the hovering hand, and pressed it in against his face, leaning down to meet their foreheads.

"Be safe while I'm gone, please. I'll be home before you know it. I love you, so very much."

Sasuke crashed into him, arms clinging tight around his waist and face burying into his stomach. For a brief moment of shock, Kakashi's arms hung above the boy before squeezing gently in, eyes closing, smile breaking.

The moment passed quickly, the Uchiha pushing back hard, giving a slight bow and disappearing into his room without another word.

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