Chapter Five

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The days without Kakashi were somehow longer than the days without Yamato, but the brunette ninja did the best he could to keep he and Sasuke busy, and to keep a nice balance between activity and stillness. Mostly, he simply invited the teen in on his daily tasks, cooking, heading into town, taking care of house chores. It was nice enough to pass the time, but as the third day drew to its end without The Copy Ninja in sight on the horizon, no activity was distracting enough.

Yamato tried to address the tardiness and comfort his adopted son that there wasn't a need for concern, that missions often went long, that any number of things could be holding Kakashi up, that if anything had happened there would be someone to report... the unending list of reassurances negating their purpose.

Before the sun rose on the fifth day, Sasuke came out into the kitchen, as he often did in the late night for tea when sleep eluded him, and found Yamato sitting rather rigid on their couch by candle light, nose stuck in one of his lover's smutty novels.

A short laugh snorted out of him.

"Those any good?"

Yamato's dark eyes glanced up, red and strained, replying blandly, "No. They are absolutely ridiculous."

"Figured..." Sasuke crossed into the kitchen, flicking the lights on. "You want any tea?"

Make Out Paradise was folded shut and set down on the end table, Yamato running large hands through frazzled hair.

"Yes please. Thank you."

The two men let silence speak for their uneasiness, and after a few moments, Sasuke brought over two steaming tea cups. Giving Yamato his, The Uchiha sat himself on the floor.

"Thank you for my tea."

He bowed his nose into the steam, inhaling the warm, soothing vapor, whispering a soft, "You're welcome."

Yamato stared at the boy, heart aching for him, finally asking, "Why are you sitting at my feet, Sasuke? Please, come and sit with me?"

He shook his head no.

"I'm comfortable here."

"Are you?"

This time their silence hung heavier, weighted with Sasuke's guilt and grief.

"We should go out and train tomorrow morning," Yamato stated plainly, breaking away the building tension. "I've trained with Kakashi for years, so I know the style he teaches in, and I work very well with his lightning-style being that my wood style is so resilient to it. What do you say?"

The teen kept his eyes fixed on his tea cup.

"Sure, as long as you don't trick me into any stupid dancing."

"Ah, yes, I'm sure it's still uncomfortable for you after seeing us the other day." Yamato brought his tea in for a sip, smirking at the startled and embarrassed gasp from the Uchiha in front of him.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He retorted louder than he needed to, red in the face. "I just think moving around like that is idiotic!"

"Idiotic enough to make someone run away, to overflow with their feelings?"

Sasuke was on his feet, eyes wild, accusing venomously, "What do you think you know about me?! What makes you think you or Kakashi have any right to try and make me talk-to try and understand me – to try to break me down and analyze me and fix me?! You don't know the first thing about what I feel!"

Yamato let out a patient breath, setting down his tea cup and remarking tenderly, "You're so like him, you know?

Sasuke spat back impulsively, "I am nothing like my brother!"

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